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Two weeks later...

Yasmin patiently waited outside the doctor's office, a warm cup of coffee in her hands. She sighed as she took a sip of her coffee her mind clouded with thoughts of her eldest son, Hisham.

What Hisham had done two weeks ago had surprised her. She knew her eldest son very well and she also knew that he had always wanted to take over the company from his father.

Then why hadn't he?

She personally found his reason of "settling down" to be utter nonsense. What did settling down even mean and till when did he plan to "settle down?"

And why wasn't Zulekha stopping him from this "settling down" of his?

Maybe she would talk to Zulekha. He was doing this for both of them right? Then she should have sense in her to stop her husband from making a grave mistake.

But then again, she didn't know how to speak to her other daughter. She did not share a bond with Zulekha like the way she shared one with Yumnah and the last thing she wanted was to be a meddling mother in law.

She sighed as she took another sip of her coffee. This was all so confusing but her motherly instincts were telling her that there was a miss somewhere. But where?

Everything seemed fine with Hisham whenever he came home. He was still the same Hisham with his happy go lucky nature but now she was convinced that it was all a facade.

Deep down her son was hurting. His rejection for the Ceo's post was a sign but she just could not put a finger on where exactly the problem lay.

All she knew was that as his Mama, she had to find out the what the problem was and solve it.

And that too, as soon as possible.

Her thoughts were cut short when Yumnah barged out of the doctor's office, an excited look on her face. Yasmin quickly put down her coffee and turned to Yumnah with a worried look.

"Yumnah dear, are you okay?"

"Yes Mama but guess what?" she asked half squeling.

Yasmin looked at her daughter confusedly. Okay this was definitely not the Yumnah she had earlier brought to the hospital. Where did that Yumnah go to?

Flashback to that morning...

Yasmin rolled her eyes not at all believing her ears. Was Yumnah really bribing her into not taking her to the hospital? Okay, this was new for sure. She had never experienced this with any of her sons before.

"Mama please, I will make you a tray full of cookies or any other dessert you like," said Yumnah smiling but one could easily make out how fatigued she really was.

"No my love, you have to go to the hospital."

"No Mama, I  just hate hospitals. Il give you a head massage, last price."

Yasmin laughed as she shook her head. Was Yumnah selling her options now?


"Mamaaa pleaaase," whined Yumnah as she hugged her from behind.

"You know what my dear? Let me call Yasir and lets see what he has to say about this," said Yasmin as she pretended to dial her son's number.

"Okay fine. Il go. Yasir will just be mean to me."

Yasmin laughed as she grabbed her handbag.

Yumnah indeed was just...Yumnah!

So if you compared the morning Yumnah to this one then yes, they were totally different.

HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now