Chapter 2

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I stared back at him as he made his way to the seat on my right, which conveniently was the only one left in class, though by the way he stared me down he might've sat there anyways.

I refused to be the one to look away first, and I won because when his hip rammed into the side of the desk when he got too close, he swore silently and had to look away so he didn't kill himself trying to sit down.

I smiled wryly to myself as I looked at my notebook. Then, Mr. Collins began speaking, listing off the different things we would be doing/learning throughout the year and I turned my attention to the front of the room.

I could feel Lucas Hunter's eyes on me the entire class, as well as I could feel the eyes of practically every single person in the room, but I refused to stray my attention from the board at the front.

And when the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I stood up with Miles, and walked with him to our next class, still feeling the burning of Lucas' eyes on the back of my head.

By the time lunch rolled around, I had realized that Lucas was in pretty much all of my classes. And in every class, he would sit next to me. He actually made someone move in chemistry so he could sit next to me. But he wouldn't speak, just stare. It was actually really creepy.

I was at my locker, putting my books away and getting ready to go to lunch when I felt a presence on my right leaning against the locker next to mine. I knew it wasn't Miles, because he had told me to just meet him in the cafeteria.

I closed my locker door and came face-to-face with Lucas Hunter. He was leaning against the locker and smirking at me. The smirk he wore was one I just knew made practically all the girls swoon immediately. I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Hi. Ariel, right? You're new." He said, trying to sound charming, which for most people, it would totally work. But I knew a façade when I saw one.

"Yeah. Lucas, right? You're not new." I said as I turned away and began walking away from him, headed to the cafeteria.

He caught up with me and spoke again, "Yeah. You know, I heard that you used to go here in elementary and middle school, but left right before high school. Why is that?" He asked me.

"Why do you want to know?" I countered.

" intrigue me." He said.

Yeah right, more like you want to get into my pants.

"Well, if you want to know so badly, why don't you ask your girlfriend? I'm sure she can tell you all about it." I said casually.

"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend." He said.

I smirked, "Rebecca. Just ask her. I'm sure she'll tell you all about it." I stated as we reached the doorway of the cafeteria, over two hundred students in our class, all of them turning to watch what was about to happen between Lucas Hunter, resident bad boy, and Ariel Montgomery, the new girl.

"Well, I want to hear it from you." He said, before turning to face me and placing his right hand at the base of my neck and meeting out lips together before I could stop him.

My first thought was that his lips were really soft. My second was that this son of a bitch was kissing me. I immediately shoved him away, breaking apart the kiss, which had only lasted for two seconds max.

Lucas looked surprised for a second, but he wasn't nearly as taken aback by my actions than when I slapped him. Across the face. So hard that my hand stung and he took three staggering steps back.

He looked at me, his hand touching his cheek which was already turning red, jaw clenched, and eyes angry. I couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of shit I had just gotten myself into but at that moment, I didn't really care.

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