Chapter 30

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The next morning I woke up feeling exhausted, but knowing I was in much better condition than Maya would be once I'd woken her up.

I'd set my alarm a bit earlier than I'd needed to so I had a few minutes to myself. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Then I had to wake the beast. I walked over to my bed with a glass of water and some Tylenol in hand. I set it down on my bedside table before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hey Maya. You gotta get up. We need to head out soon." I said, shaking her awake before speaking up.

She groaned and rolled over to face me. After a few seconds she opened her eyes ever so slightly and squinted at me, "Why does my everything hurt?" She asked, her voice cracking.

I smiled, "That's what happens when you drink too much. Come on, take that Tylenol and drink all of the water I'm going to load the suitcase into the car. I expect you to be out of bed by the time I get back." I said in a warning tone as I grabbed the suitcase we were sharing for the weekend.

"Yes mom." She said, overly sarcastic as she saluted me.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled as I walked out of my house and loaded the suitcase into the back of my car. As I closed the back door, Tyler pulled into the driveway with Miles pulling up to the curb shortly after.

I smiled as everyone climbed out of the car, "Hey Ariel." Cole said as him and the others walked up with me into the house.

"Hey guys." I answered.

"Where's Maya?" Aaron asked.

I smiled, "She's upstairs. She's gonna have a rough morning." I answered.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Did she get hammered?" He asked.

I nodded, "Oh yeah. I haven't asked yet because she literally just woke up but I'm pretty sure she remembers nothing from last night." I said.

He sighed, "Well at least she'll be throwing up in your car." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Maya! Get your stuff and let's go!" I yelled upstairs, receiving merely a groan in response.

I turned to the others, "Oh, by the way, we have to make one quick stop on the way." I said.

They gave me a curious look, "Why?" Cole asked.

"I made a friend last night and invited them last minute. We need to pick them up." I answered with a shrug.

Bianca looked at me, "Is it who I think it is?" She asked. I smirked and nodded, "Yay Ariel!" She exclaimed as the others looked on in pure confusion.

Maya came downstairs, a pair of my sunglasses on her head and her phone in hand, "Where's my charger?" She asked.

"I already brought it to the car. ALong with a water and the bottle of Tylenol." I said as she met us at the landing.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, "This is why I love you." She whispered and I laughed lightly.

"Alright, well, my backseat is empty so you can take a nap there on the way, and hopefully you'll feel better by the time we check in. Because I am not staying in the hotel with you." I said.

She wordlessly gave me a thumbs up and just walked out the door. I just looked at the others, "Well, I guess that means we're leaving." I said and they laughed.

Cole had been recording, since he'd taken up "vlogging" full time even after the project was done. I looked into the camera, "Don't drink kids." I said with a smile, giving them a thumbs up before ushering everyone out of my house and locking the door.

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