Chapter 16

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"It started about a week after I got to Ireland," I began, pulling myself farther onto the bed so I was sitting next to Lucas, who was listening intently.

"My cousins knew that I was in a really bad place when I got there. And they were doing everything they could to cheer me up. The first Saturday I spent in Ireland, my cousin Robbie invited me to tag along to an MMA class that he took.

"I didn't have anything better to do so I said yes. When I went, his coach let me join in on the training session. About five minutes in we discovered that I was really good at MMA." I said bluntly, making Lucas laugh, and then wince from the pain of the laugh.

I smiled, "But seriously. I was scary good at it. So I kept going with my cousin. And eventually would go by myself. It was the summer, and so I went all day everyday. My aunt and uncle let me do it because I was getting a lot happier. They didn't want it to stop.

"After about two months, my cousin's coach, who had taken me in as his personal student for free, wanted me to enter my first tournament for amateurs. And I did. I went undefeated." I said.

Lucas simply quirked an eyebrow in response, "Fighting quickly became my escape. It was the way I got out six years of pent up anger. For the two years I was gone I fought. I became the Irish junior national champion, and soon afterwards the junior european champion." I said.

"That explains the perfect form, and sheer strength. And how you know what a broken rib feels like." Lucas said.

I nodded, "I made a name for myself in Ireland fast. And I loved it. I was happy. But I became kind of obsessed with fighting and working out. I refused to do anything else. So I came back home and went into early retirement. That's my story." I said.

He smiled, "No. That's not your full story. But that's a part of it. And I'm thankful you decided to tell it to me." He said.

I smiled, "You can return the favor anytime." I said.

He kept the smile on his face, "Another time." He answered.

"Alright. Well, it has been an eventful night. You should get some rest. It's gonna be a painful weekend." I said, moving to get up.

"No." He said, grabbing my arm. I turned to look at him. He was hesitant but then spoke lowly, "stay." he whispered, sounding scared of his own words.

I was quiet, contemplating my answer. My head told me no. That this would only result in feelings that already shouldn't be there to grow. But my heart told me to stay, because I wanted to be close to him. After thirty seconds of my head and my heart playing tug of war, I relented to my heart and climbed back into the bed.

"Okay." I whispered.

Lucas pulled me into his good side, and his steady breathing made it easy for me to slip into a deep sleep.


As I began to wake up the next morning, I could hear rapid whispers going back and forth. I felt really warm, a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Do you think they...did it?" A voice whispered hesitantly.

"I don't think so considering the condition Lucas is in, but I wouldn't put it past him to try." Another voice said.

"Do you think Ariel would though? She doesn't seem like the type." Tyler's voice butted in.

"In all honesty I have no idea what goes through Ariel's head. I don't think she would, though."

"And you're right." I said quietly as I sat up and untangled myself from Lucas's arms, hopping out of the bed.

I walked over to Tyler, Maya and Cole who were looking at me, startled, "Nothing happened last night. I just talked to him, and then we both just fell asleep. That's all." I said, deciding to leave out the part about Lucas asking me to stay.

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