Chapter 3

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The rest of the first week of school was uneventful compared to the first day. Rebecca kept to her word and stayed out of my way, keeping Dylan and everyone else with her. I continued to be friends with Miles and Maya, who I seemed to like more and more with each passing day. And, Lucas Hunter didn't bother me again. Aside from the occasional glare when our eyes met in the hallway or classroom.

Life was good. That weekend I decided to go out looking for a job. While I wasn't necessarily hurting for money, since my parents were willing to pay my bills, I wanted to start saving for college.

That was one thing they had always told me, they would help me if I needed it, but they did want me to pay for as much as I could.

So that morning after I woke up and got ready, I left my house, a woman on a mission. I went to practically every business in town, looking for a manager or someone who could give me an application.

It was when I was at a small cafe that my life officially changed forever. I just didn't know it at the time (ooh that's really dramatic I like it).

I was talking to a manager about an application, and listened to their apology about how they didn't really need any new staff at the moment when a woman called out to me.

"Excuse me young lady." She said kindly.

I looked over to see a drop-dead gorgeous woman sitting at a small table, and empty plate on the top. She was wearing nice clothes and jewelry, and her dark brown hair went perfect with her flawless makeup.

I smiled shyly and walked over, "Yes?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I couldn't help overhearing that you're looking for a job?" She asked.

"Um, yes. I've gone to some places and picked up applications, I'm kind of going everywhere." I supplied.

"How old are you?" she asked.


"So you go to the towns high school?" She asked and I answered wordlessly, nodding.

"Alright. Well I think I might have a job for you, hours could start immediately. If you're interested." She said kindly.

"Definitely! What's the job?" I asked as she gestured for me to sit down across from, her which I complied with.

"Well, I have a daughter, she's six, and my husband and I both have pretty demanding careers, he owns a large business and I work in advertising and publicity. We both work pretty late and have to go to functions every weekend. We have a son just older than you, but he also has a pretty busy schedule and can't watch her. So, we need a nanny. Well, not exactly and nanny, more like a babysitter," She paused, looking at me, "is that something you'd be interested in?" She asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah I would definitely love to do that, I work pretty well with kids." I said and she smiled widely.

"Excellent! Of course, my husband would like to meet you, and we both want to make sure our daughter likes you, so if you wouldn't mind doing a trial run? We can do something tonight, actually if you're free?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm definitely free." I said, not even having to think.

"Wonderful! If you want to come over around three-ish? That way my husband and I could talk to you, not an interview persay, but ask you some questions and work on semantics, and then my husband and I will go out to dinner with some clients and you can watch Clara. That's her name, by the way." She said.

I nodded, "Sounds great!" I said and she smiled.

"Here, I'll give you my phone number and you can give me yours and I will text you our address." She said, pulling out her phone before I followed suit.

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