Chapter 5

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"Alright. Spill. I know you said you had something big to tell me and I've been suffering for over twelve hours. I gotta know." Maya said as soon as I met her at the main entrance to the Baker Hill Mall.

I laughed as we began walking, to no particular store, in no particular direction, "Alright, but lets get food. I'm starving, I need energy before our inevitable hours-long shopping spree, and, you're going to want to be sitting for this." I said as I began walking to the food court, following the smell of day-old pretzels.

Once we had gotten our pizza and pasta from the Italian restaurant in the food court and sat down at a table, Maya looked at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes and began speaking.

"Okay. So, you know how yesterday I went out to look for a job, right?" I asked and she nodded wordlessly, "well, I went to that little cafe you had recommended to me, and was talking with the manager when this woman overheard me mentioning that I was looking for a job.

"So, she called me over and invited me to sit before saying that she and her husband both had very busy schedules that kept them at their workplaces into the early evenings and on weekends. She said that she had a six-year-old daughter, who they wanted to find a young teenage girl to babysit her, because their son wasn't home that often, and they wanted their daughter to have another girl to look up to." I said and Maya raised an eyebrow.

"Is this going somewhere?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes now hush and let me finish, it's about to get good." I said.

"So, she offered me the spot there. She said her husband would want to meet with me, and they would let me watch their daughter that night as a "trial run" to see if we got along, she liked me, that stuff.

"So I say yes, head to their house a few hours later, meet their daughter, we get along great while her parents are gone, and then her brother comes home." I said, notcing that Maya sat up straighter at my last few words.

"Oooh is he hot? Wait oh my god! Ariel did you hook up with him while you were babysitting his six-year-old sister?" Maya exclaimed, getting really excited.

"Maya! No!" I hissed at her, which made her slump in chair a little.

I smirked as I dropped the bomb, "Her brother is Lucas Hunter." I said as Maya started choking on the lemondade she had just taken a sip from.

When she could breathe again she looked at me with wide eyes, "You've been to Lucas Hunter's house?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.

"What's it like?" She asked, sounding like a little kid asking about Disney World or something.

I shrugged, "It's ginormous, very clean. What you would expect from a rich kid." I said.

"What did he do when he saw you? Did he get angry? Did he yell?" She asked.

I shook my head, "He tried to leave but Clara made him stay and watch movies with us while Clara and I painted. Then, Clara left the room for a few minutes and we talked for the first time." I said.

"Ooh, what did you say?" She questioned, leaning so far forward it looked like her chest was going to fall into her plate.

"He said that his sister seemed to really like me, and I said we should call a truce for when I was over the house, you know try to be semi-friendly when Clara was around, but we could go back to hating each other at school and in public. I said I wasn't going to quit just because it happened to be his house." I answered.

"Oh my God. I can't believe that you have been inside Lucas Hunter's house. Even Rebecca hasn't gone inside. He never brings his hookups over." Maya said and I narrowed my eyes .

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