Chapter 15

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The next day at school as soon as I got to my locker I was practically attacked by Maya, "Why the Hell didn't you tell me you broke up with Jake?" She asked, sounding upset.

I sighed, "I actually did plan on telling you, but things didn't go exactly as planned and by the time I got home I'd forgotten and crashed for the night." I said apologetically.

Her face softened, "What happened?" She asked.

"When I told him I wanted to break up, he got upset. That's all." I said with a shrug.

"Thta's not all and you know it princess." Lucas said, walking up to us with Cole, Alex, and Brian, just as Miles, Aaron, and Tyler came from the opposite direction.

"Wait what happened? I don't know what's going on?" Aaron asked.

"Ariel broke up with Jake, and apparently something big happened that Lucas and Ariel know about, but haven't said yet." Maya spilled, filling everyone in.

I was met with six pairs of raised eyebrows, expecting my answer.

"I can tell them if you want, Ariel." Lucas said quietly.

I shook my head, "It's fine. When I told Jake I wanted to break up, he got angry. He accused me of cheating on him with Lucas, and then tried to apologize and ask forgiveness. I gave it to him and then he thought that meant we were back together and started kissing me. I pushed him away and said that I still wanted to break up. Then he got really angry and I basically had to run away." I said, making eye contact with Lucas during the last sentence who was looking at me intently.

"Ariel that's awful. I'm so sorry it happened like that." Maya said.

Everyone chorused in agreement, "You know what I want to know," Tyler spoke up, turning to Lucas, "is how, Lucas knows what hapened." He said, making evryone turn to Lucas who rolled his eyes.

"I was babysitting Clara Saturday night and told him what I was doing. He asked if I wanted someone there with me for afterwards. I said no, and he didn't listen and went anyways. He saw what happened." I supplied as an answer.

Alex laughed, "Of course he followed you he's..." Alex trailed off as he looked towards the end of the hallway, "holy shit."

We all turned to see Rebecca's crew walking in with none other than Jake, who looked worse for wear. He was walking with a limp, and he had two black eyes with a bandage over his nose, both courtesy of me.

"Jesus Christ Lucas, what did you do to him?" Miles asked as he continued to stare.

I turned away and began grabbing notebooks from my locker as Lucas spoke with what I knew was a smirk, "Oh, I didn't do that." he said.

I grimaced as Brian spoke, "Then who did-oh my god Ariel!"

Everyone whipped around to face me, "Ariel what did you do?" Cole asked.

"Nothing crazy. Just a knee and an elbow." I said with a shrug as I closed my locker.

"But why did you do that?" Maya asked.

"Because. He tried to strangle her and then rape her." Lucas said bluntly.

Everone's face went from confused to concerned, "Oh my god. Ariel is that true?" Aaron asked quietly.

I was quiet for a second before nodding, "Ariel, you need to report this." Maya spoke.

"No. I don't. It's over. He's not going to tell anyone that a girl did that to him, and he's definitely not going to try and do anything after what I did and the way Lucas threatened him. All he's going to do is spread rumors. And rumors I can handle." I said, shaking my head.

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