Chapter 36

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Hello my lovelies. I am SO INCREDIBLY SORRY that it has taken me this long to update this story. Especially since all you wonderful people have been so supportive even though I've been radio silent for so long. 

HOWEVER. I have NOT stopped writing this book. My life has seen some drastic changes in the last few (several) months and it has just taken up so much of my life that I have not had time to continue this story. 

BUT I have been slowly and surely writing when I have the time. I do not want to give you guys half-assed and mediocre content. I want every chapter I publish something that I would be happy for you all to read. And I want to try and finish this book FIRST so I don't have to worry about rushing to get an update out in time for you all. I have a few already written, but am trying to figure out how I would like to wrap this whole thing up (Yes, our story is nearing its end).

SO; here is a chapter. I have one more ready for publishing, which I will give you by the end of the day today. Hopefully, that can partially make up for my absence. However, it may be some time until I can give you another one. But, after today, know that when you get an update, it will be because I have written the rest of our story. And you will get regular updates from that point on. 

Thank you for reading this, I love you all and I hope you love this story as much as I do. 

You know you love me, 

XOXO- Gossip Girl 

I'd decided to keep the scholarship stuff quiet to everyone except my parents, since I didn't want anyone hyping things up for it to just not happen. I just went about life normally.

If, you could call hiding with your boyfriend in the confines of his house so no one ever found out normal. One Friday afternoon, while I was babysitting Clara she was extended an invitation to sleep over a friends house.

And then I was left alone (you know it was really getting hard to babysit that girl when she was rarely present to actually babysit.) Lucas came home around 4:30. I was finishing up homework on the couch when he walked in.

"Hey princess." He said, walking over and leaning down to give me a kiss.

"Hi." I said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" he asked, sitting beside me and resting his chin on my shoulder to look at the papers laid out in front of me as I looked through my textbook.

"Finishing up my calc homework." I replied.

"Where's Clara?" He asked, looking around to see if she was hiding out somewhere.

"She's sleeping at a friends, Casey, I think." I replied.

I didn't need to see his face to know that he had a smirk plastered on it, "So no one's home?" he asked.

"Nope." I replied curtly.

He brushed my hair off of my shoulder and began kissing my neck lightly, taking my attention off my homework, "Did you know that it's been a month that we've been dating?" he asked.

I smiled, "I did notice that today. I was going to say something later." I answered.

"Go on a date with me." He said.

I looked at him, "What?" I asked.

He smiled, "Come on. Let's go on a date in public. I want to take you to a restaurant." He said.

I smiled widely, "Okay." I replied.


A half hour later we were climbing into Lucas' car and he was pulling out of the driveway. We drove to the mall and got out, walking through the stores. He stopped us in front of the Cheesecake Factory and started pulling me inside.

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