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The initial shock and excitement of being on Earth was subduing for everyone, even Harley

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The initial shock and excitement of being on Earth was subduing for everyone, even Harley. She was sitting, leaning against the dropship with her deck of cards in her hand. She was shuffling them quietly, to herself. The group of delinquents had began to spread out, and Harley lost track of where Murphy went. She figured he was with his friends, still celebrating. She was beginning to wonder if she could get at least one person to play a card game with her when Clarke had approached with a loud noise by flattening a map on the flat of a dropship.

Curiously, Harley perked up before rising to her feet. She snapped the rubber band around the deck pack into place and shoved them back into her pocket where they belonged. It was the only thing she had in The Ark, it's what meant the most to Harley. "Is that a map?" She asked as Clarke began drawing circles and lines with certain measurements on it. "A map to Mount Weather?" They weren't on a mountain with a military building, so Harley assumed they were dropped in the wrong place.

Clarke nodded in response. Before Harley could ask another question, Wells Jaha, the son of their chancellor approached with a long expression. "We got problems," he told Clarke, making Harley listen in. "The communications system is dead. I went to the roof, a dozen pads are missing. Heat fried the wires," he informed them.

Disappointed, Clarke shook her head. "Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See? Look." She paused to point to an area on the map; Harley leaned in to see. "This is us. And this..." Clarke trailed her hand from the spot to another place on the map, following a black line she made. "Is where we need to get to if we want to survive."

"That's far," Harley noted, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked from the large space from Clarke's marking in between where they were and Mount Weather. "Do you think that we'd make it?" It was a long trail, and without any food or water to support them, it'd make it that much longer and more difficult.

The three were interrupted by a boy with large goggles on his forehead and a happy grin approaching them, with a friend trailing behind. Harley recognized them as Jasper and Monty, two best friend's nearing the brother mark that were always together back in the Sky Box from the moment they were arrested for forgetting to replace a plant they smoked. Harley smiled when seeing them; she's only spoken to them once on visitors day but with their upbeat personalities and fun remarks, they were great to be around.

"Ah, cool, a map!" Jasper exclaimed, looking at it before looking over to flash a small dorky smile at Harley. "They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer."

"Oh, you are so sweet!" Harley cooed, gently tapping Jasper's cheek with the tip of her fingers after he hit on her to show some type of kind affection touch. "Unfortunately for you, I like girls." It was a blunt way to put it, but at least she was honest. Harley has always known she had a preference for girls over boys, and hadn't been ashamed of it.

A voice from behind the, now group of five, stopped Jasper from replying. Not that he probably would have, due to the look of surprise. "Hey, he's with us." It was a calm, yet slightly rude, voice and Harley had recognized it immediately.

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