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Harley's feet felt heavy with each step she took

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Harley's feet felt heavy with each step she took. The only image flashing through her head repeatedly was Finn, with his head down, and blood sporting his shirt. She knew it was something that he had coming, an unavoidable tragedy, but it didn't fix the crack in her large heart. She didn't believe for a second that anyone deserved to die, and there were other punishments. But that isn't what the grounders believed. And because of Finn's death, Harley knew that they for now had peace between them. It still hurt that she couldn't save him despite doing her best, but she tried to think of the positive.

They lived in peace now. There was no need for a war anymore. Harley still shivered when she thought of Finn being tied to the post, but the idea that their peace treaty opened in his death was enough to lift her spirits, even for a minute. Even though she had been threatened by Finn's presence after his massacre, she felt as if she needed to tag along for the funeral. His burial would take place in the village that it had taken place, and Harley knew it had to be proper. She would say the final goodbye to one of her past friends, as she would always try to do.

Finn's body was being carried on a long post that Raven hitched a ride on. Harley could see the broken heart she was sporting, and it made her hurt as well. She was still upset that she was tricked into bringing Murphy to the dropship where she planned to give him up as an offering, but she was willing to let it go when knowing how much Finn meant to Raven. He was all she had left. Harley didn't know what she would have done if the roles were switched, and it was Murphy that had committed the mass murder.

Suddenly feeling a warm hand grasp into hers, Harley lifted her head slowly. She wasn't surprised to see it was Clover, lacing their fingers together. She still had a gun from being a guard, but it was hung over her shoulder and only there in the case of an emergency. Grounders were no longer a threat, and they were walking with them to the village. Harley gave Clover a timid smile, knowing that she had slipped away a few times and worried her, but with good reason.

"After this is done, we'll get the rest of our friends back," Clover said, soft. She was concerned with their friends in Mount Weather equally as much as Harley was. After Clarke closed the lever and the ring of fire went off, she had taken off to try and find help from their friends who had mysteriously disappeared before running into Bellamy and Finn. "We just have to leave it up to Clarke and Commander Lexa to plan it."

Nodding, Harley was on the same track. She had all her faith in both of the leaders, knowing that with Commander Lexa's army and the intelligence of Clarke's, they'd bring their friends safely home where they belonged. According to Clarke, they were prisoners at the mountain. It was almost ironic and amusing to think that once the old Chancellor had ordered them to find the location for supplies if they survived the landing to Earth. Now, they were going to be making a plan to break in.

"And you'll be one of the guards who get to go," Harley commented. Clover is a good shot, after learning from Bellamy. It was clear they would need everyone who can handle a gun properly to attend. Harley didn't think she'd be given the chance, even if she wanted it. She had only been explained how to use a gun, and had never been able to pull the trigger. The injury scarring on her side was, unfortunately, a permanent reminder of that.

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