( thirty-four )

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Before Harley knew it, two long days have passed

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Before Harley knew it, two long days have passed. They were back to Camp Jaha earlier than expected, due to how fast they ran away from the slaughter. Harley remembered how it felt, her heart and lungs pumping in her chest and her knees wobbling with every racing step. She couldn't get the image out of her head of the shot grounders, even now. Every time she shut her eyes, even for a second, she saw the scene as if she was there again. It left Harley feeling sick and revolted, and at this point, she was too scared to even glance at Finn. He terrified her.

From where Harley was sitting on a cool, wooden bench, she suddenly felt a warm hand pressed against her back. She tensed at the feeling, but relaxed when she saw it was only Clover sliding into the seat next to her. "Hey," the blonde greeted calmly, passing one of the cups she held across the table top to Harley's direction. "Managed to get some drinks. Do you want some?" She offered.

Slowly shaking her head, Harley used one shaky hand to nudge the drink back. A shudder passed through her, knowing that Clover was attempting to make her feel better after the horror she witnessed. No amount of drinking would erase what happened. "I'm alright." Even the words didn't sound right. Harley was frightened and felt nothing but guilt for the grounders that died due to Finn's outrage. She could see the others didn't even blame him, they mostly blamed Murphy. None of it was right.

"I know you're scared," Clover said softly, giving Harley a pitiful look. "And I know you feel bad for those grounders. I'm just saying that if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you. I always will be," she promised. Harley hadn't smiled in so long, and it felt so nice to do so again. She knew that Clover disliked the grounders as everyone there did, but the comforting words despite this were more than loving enough to make her smile.

"You know, Clarke thinks she can find a way into Mount Weather," Clover added after a moment, changing the topic. She pointed forward to a few tables away. "So we can help all of our friends."

Turning her head, Harley noticed that Bellamy and Clarke were quietly talking while studying a map.It was odd that once upon a time the delinquents were supposed to find the mountain to retrieve supplies, and now their friends were stuck there with the survivors. Her breath hitched in her throat when noticing that Finn was approaching, greeting the pair, which only made Bellamy strangely stand and leave.

Harley could see the two converse for a minute, before Murphy was striding his way towards them with confidence. A sliver of protection struck through Harley, knowing that the others didn't like Murphy for all that he's done. Now, they disliked him for not stopping Finn, as if he somehow allowed the mass murderer to kill everyone. She quickly excused herself from Clover, telling herself silently that she'd direct Murphy away from them before making her way to their table.

It left Harley feeling a bit nauseous being in Finn's presence for the first time since they had gotten back home, but she attempted to tough it out as she leaned over the table while Murphy greeted them in a loud announcement. "Check it out. Salvaged Monty's still from the dropship." He plopped down next to Clarke, who seemed uncomfortable by his presence, while setting his drink down. "Now I guess, you know, if they could just salvage Monty, huh?" He joked with a short laugh.

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