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Sleeping didn't come easy

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Sleeping didn't come easy. Sometimes, Harley had trouble from being hungry or scared of what hid in the woods. Tonight, though, she fell asleep with too many thoughts to bare. She was scared, thinking of The Ark and what was happening up there. After her wristband burned out, she had Monty break it off, figuring that there was no longer a use to it now. The Ark thought they were all dead, and Clarke's words about their air running out raced through Harley's head, figuring there was no way they would come down now.

Then, Harley thought about Murphy. She couldn't have figured out why she had cared about him. She started wondering if he was okay after being banished, staying hopeful, even if it wasn't possible. After seeing what the grounders did to Jasper, a kid the same age as Murphy, there was the possibility of no mercy for him either. The same way it was for Murphy at the camp, when they hung him.

Harley had barely dozed off in the tent she shared with Roma, who had snuck into Bellamy's for a fun night, when she heard some people shouting from outside. She was still exhausted, but threw aside the cloth she used as some type of a blanket and peeked her head out of her tent slowly while brushing her knotted hair out of her face. The others that were outside were murmuring and pointing to the sky. The night chill was getting to her, so Harley grabbed her jacket and slipped it on.

Curious, Harley brought herself out of her tent. She zipped her jacket up before tilting her head back, seeing what everyone was staring at in awe and pointing. Her blue eyes widened at the sight, seeing a giant spark in the sky that was falling curvily. "Oh, it looks like a shooting star!" Harley gasped softly in admiration, yet feeling relieved. It had to be from The Ark. It looked too small for any guards or people to be inside, but maybe they thought the delinquents on the ground were alive despite their wristbands going out. They could be sending down useful supplies, something to help.

"They're coming to help us!" Jones, a male delinquents called out. "Now we can kick some grounder ass!" The others shouted in agreement, ready.

Roma, however, looked up with a blanket wrapped around her half nude body.It was beyond Harley how she, Bellamy, and the other girl he slept with could show this much skin when it's cold. "Please tell me they brought down some shampoo," she mumbled. Harley reached up subconsciously to touch her knotted and greasy hair, thinking her tent mate was right. She's been feeling dirty and gross, but she supposed it'd have to be something to become used to.

Bellamy turned away immediately, retreating into his tent. Confused, Harley turned around when seeing Jones follow him. She rolled back and forth on the balls of her heels before turning to Octavia with her brows furrowed. "Are we heading after that thing?" She asked. It was the best choice. Bellamy was probably planning the short trip to wherever it landed; as their leader.

"I don't know," Octavia murmured back, her voice laced with tiredness. "Let's find out." She stalked off, and Harley hesitated before skipping after, her feet rushing to keep up. Octavia threw open the the opening flap of the tent, moving to let Harley follow her inside.

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