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Loss was hard enough to deal with as it is

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Loss was hard enough to deal with as it is. Harley's never been one to experience it. She's heard horror stories from the other delinquents at the camp, of how they watched their parent or parents get floated, or even friends. Harley had friends, sure, but she also had both of her parents. She didn't feel it, not until a few days ago when Wells was found dead. They all assumed the grounders killed him. She knew him back in The Ark, liked him even. He was a kind person, and didn't deserve it. Harley buried him along with Clarke and paid her respects with a heavy heart days ago, and chose to give others hope by moving on.

That's how Harley found herself starting with Jasper. He had healed a lot more and felt better, and Clarke suggested he take a walk after giving him the okay. Harley volunteered to help him, and had carefully led him out of the dropship. Jasper was fine with that, at first. He passed through the others working to build a wall slowly, but when they reached the gate he froze and looked around with wide eyes.

Frowning, Harley stepped forward in front of him. "Hey, Jasper," she spoke, gently touching his shoulder. He flinched at the contact but visibly relaxed a second after. "We're just going to take a few steps, alright? No one is going to hurt you here. I promise," she assured him, her voice gentle. Jasper didn't speak, only nodded shakily, but still looked around wearily. Harley walked forward, looking behind her to see Jasper slowly limping behind her.

"Come on," Harley urged him, waving her hand. "Hey, look.." She backed up further, careful of where she was stepping to not trip before stopping a few feet in front of Jasper. "If you make it to where I am, I'll show you a super cool card trick." The promise made Jasper gave her a small smile and he stumbled forward, a bit faster than his speed had been.

Pleased, Harley smiled to herself. She waited, reaching in her pocket and ready to grab her deck of cards for when Jasper limped to where she was. So far, she's only gotten the chance to show one person her favorite card trick, and Murphy hadn't clearly enjoyed it. Jasper was more fun, and maybe Harley would even get a larger smile out of him. She missed seeing him that happy, from their first day on the ground.

All of a sudden, someone leaped out from the bush she was standing next to and covered her mouth, wrapping another arm around her waist and dragging her down. Harley let out a muffled shriek, eyes widening as her heart leaped. She thrashed in the grip, scared from unsure who had grabbed her. She heard Jasper calling her name, and finally struggled her way out of the grip.

Whirling around, Harley stumbled to her feet to see another delinquent laughing, clear he had no regrets for scaring both her and Jasper. "Can't you see he's already scared?!" She exclaimed, motioning to Jasper, who looked frightened. "You should be ashamed of yourself," she scolded before turning back to Jasper.

Jasper had turned around, making his way back to the dropship. Harley sighed, rushing forward after him. "Jasper, hey! It's okay," she called out, nearing him, but he ignored her. "There's nothing out here to be afraid of - " She stopped when Jasper suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. She rushed forward, kneeling beside him and putting her hand on the flat of his back in worry. "Are you alright?" Harley asked, studying him.

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