Morning Struggle

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(This is my first time writing a story uwu).

Natsuki's POV

*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep*


My eyes fluttered open as I check my alarm clock. Hopefully I didn't break it even though it caused me a lot of hell.

6:04 A.M.

I sigh to myself

at least it's not broken.

I have until 7:30 to get to school, but I usually like to go early to get a bit of manga time in. People criticize me about it, but I couldn't care less. I leave my manga at school since I don't feel safe when it's at home because...just, because.

I get dressed into my normal school attire and ponder for awhile. I completely forgot what we were learning in the classes. Weren't we learning about algebra or something? I question myself. It doesn't matter, it'll probably be in class, then I'll probably remember.

As I head out, I make sure to grab my poem for the Literature Club. It's like a second home for me, maybe first, but I feel like at home there. No one really criticizes me about what I'm reading in there which makes me feel a little bit better.

As I walk down the sidewalk I start to think about what we'll be doing in the literature club. Well, obviously we'll be sharing poems, but what after that? Back to normal schedule? I don't really care, if I have my manga I'm happy.

While I was in my thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where your going!" I vitrioled at the person, even though it's my fault for getting caught up in my thoughts. I never like to admit to things that I know I did, but it's apart of my natural instinct you could say.

"EEP! I'm sorry, I'm sor--- wait, Natsuki?!"

My eyes widened in shock. "S-Sayori?!" my thoughts were interrupted since I didn't expect Sayori to be up this early. She always oversleeps and comes to class late, but to wake up at a time like this? I'm starting to question her.

"Why are you up this early?" Sayori questioned with her pondering face staring right at me.

"I could ask you the same question." I said, calming myself after I shouted at her by accident.

"Welllllll," she started "I wanted to see what happened If I slept early since I'm always oversleeping and waking up late--"

"Wait, don't you have an alarm clock?" I questioned, cutting her off

"Nope!" Sayori replied confidently "I accidentally dropped it as I was setting my alarm, so it broke."

I nodded as she continued her story

"--as I was saying, I wanted to see what time I'll wake up if I slept at 8:00, so that's what I did and that's how I ended up here!" She said cheerfully. "What's your reasoning?"

"O-oh, um" I start to stutter a little "Well, I wanted to go to school early and read some of my Manga."

"Oh! Alright! I'll see you later then! I gotta get to Monika's house and give back her book she let me borrow."

As she said that, she ran off to the direction Monika's house was at.

Well, I'm alone again. I watch Sayori run off and head to school.

~Time skip~


Everyone gets up as the bell rings and pack their stuff

"Make sure to complete your homework!" The teacher says as we all head out

I pack my stuff up and start to head to the Literature Club since it was the end of the day. I'm usually first or second there, and just start to read manga until Monika gets into the clubroom.

As I was reading, I heard the door to the club open.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

By the voice, I knew it was Monika

"Were you practicing piano again?" I hear Sayori question

"Hehe, yeah" Monika responds, scratching the back of her head and smiling sheepishly

"Anyway! it's time to share out poems!" Monika shouts out loud

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Yuri parch her head up and put it back to her book. Me and Yuri did not get along well. Maybe at all. We always argue about our poems and how she always says, "Manga is not literature!" IT IS! I always say to myself. It's considered literature!

I see Sayori trade poems with Monika. Well, I guess I have no choice. I get up and head to where Yuri's sitting.

I get to her and she looks up from her book.

I throw my poem at her, and she gently gives me hers.

Third-Person POV

Yuri smiles faintly as she reads through Natsuki's poem. The words are always small and cute in a way. Natsuki on the other hand, blandly stares at the poem. It's always hard to read Yuri's handwriting since it was so elegant and in cursive. She didn't want to admit it, but she liked her handwriting.

Natsuki finishes reading Yuri's poem, slightly jealous since Yuri's writing is better than hers in all ways.

"Well?! What do you think?" Natsuki said in a harsh manner when Yuri finished reading her poem

"U-um," Yuri stuttered "I think it's very much like you."

"Huh?" Natsuki was taken aback at the statement. "What do you mean?"

"It's very short and cute, I guess you can say"

"I'm not cute!" Natsuki shouts to Yuri and takes her poem back, in return giving Yuri's back and walking off.

Yuri just smiles and ponders off.

As she was pondering, Sayori walks up to her, trying to get her attention.

"Hellloooo? Earth to Yuri?" Sayori said in a question-confusing manner

"O-oh, S-sorry" Yuri apologized and handed Sayori her poem

As Yuri was reading Sayori's poem, she speaks up.

"Ahhhhh! Yuri! Why does your handwriting have to be so neat?!" Sayori complains

"I'm not quite sure." Yuri said

As they finish reading their poems, they both hand back there poems.

"I like your poem!" Sayori boldly replied.

"I-I like yours too." Yuri shyly replies

As everyone shares there poem Yuri couldn't stop thinking about Natsuki's poem.

Even though Natsuki downright hated her, she still considered Natsuki a friend, even if Natsuki didn't like her at all. Wait... wait. Does Yuri like Natsuki?

Nonononononono, that can't be it. A girl liking another girl? That's just weird!

As Yuri keeps trying to deny the feeling, it keeps overwhelming her. It just can't be true!

How do I get rid of this feeling? Yuri questioned herself.

Wait... what... what if I was mean to her? What if I didn't listen to her at all? Maybe her rudeness would get rid of this feeling and make me despise her. That's It!

Little did Yuri know. This was going to be the biggest mistake she's ever made.

A/N - Well? How was my first chapter? You could point out the mistakes if you want to, I just want your opinion. This is my first time writing a fanfiction online. It's pretty hard to think stuff off your mind but hey! I did it! But there might be some grammar mistakes in here lol. I'll update this later and work on it more. Maybe even start on the next chapter right now if I have the time to!

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