My Confession...?

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(I'm gonna revise this later and add some extra stuff looter uwu)

Yuri's PoV

My heart is beating so fast, Natsuki could probably hear it.

When I was trying to fall asleep I wrapped my arms around Natsuki in a cuddle-like position, bracing myself for a slap or something worse. Unexpectedly, she grabbed my arms in return, surprising me.

I-I probably shouldn't overthink this... maybe it's like a friendly gesture in return...

My mind was drawing a blank as my eyes started slowly closing.










*Several hours later*

Natsuki's PoV


Geez, I got a headache... I don't think I've eaten something in a while...

I try to get up from the bed, but Yuri's arms were still around my body, pulling me back down.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

I twist my body around, looking up to Yuri's ~beautiful~ face. Yeah, I think I'm going full lesbo for this women.

I hoist myself up to where my face would be on the same level as hers, giving me a better look at her.

Her skin looks incredibly soft. I delicately caress it with my hand, making me mildly blush. My god, she's so damn pretty...

I release my arm from her face, now staring at her. I, um, I probably should get up and find something to eat. I say to myself, slowly unwinding Yuri's arms around mine.

Once that was done, I carefully got out of bed, as to not wake or disturb her sleep. Opening the door, I was hit by instant shivers, not knowing how cold it was outside the room. My body began to indistinctively shake, making my teeth jitter.


I hastily make my way downstairs to the kitchen, looking in the fridge. Ah, there's not much in here. My hands were basically freezing at this point. That's how cold it was. The clothes Yuri gave me didn't necessary help, since it wasn't fully covering my skin. Something's better than nothing at least. Dang it, clothes, stop slipping off. Ugh, Yuri, why do you have to be so big? Heck, I forgot to check the time.

I look over to her oven, as the one she uses luckily has a digital time on it.


Oh, that's pretty early... Today's not even a school day. I shake my head, trying to go back upstairs. My legs were shaky, making me trip on the last step, making a loud thud.

Yuri's PoV

I wake up to the sound of something loud. It sounded like someone heavy falling down.

"Huh... what was that...?" I whisper, trying to grab ahold of Natsuki, but realizing she wasn't there.

"N-Natsuki?" I say, tiredly. "W-Where are y-you?"

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