Good Things Happen Under The Rain

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It's really late. I should've been home by now and who knows where Rocky is. I don't even know if he's still looking for me or whether he gave up.

I hear the sound of tyres dragging across the road. When I turn, I can see a ute head in my direction. I don't know why but I freeze. My body is telling me to move. It's dark and they most likely cannot see me. I don't move though, somehow I'm frozen.

I shiver from the rain, the temperature has dropped. I don't have a jacket so the best thing I can do is rub my arms to keep warm. I however cannot do that either, I can't seem to move.

I blink and it finally hits me, I need to solve this with Rocky. I've been immature about the whole situation, I should not have ran off like that. Although what he is doing is wrong, I'm no less. I made a deal and he kept his part, I need to keep mine.

As the ute gets closer, sensation comes to my legs. I hear the driver beep but before I can even move, I am pulled off the road.

I close my eyes, my wet hair clinging to my eyes. I'm still alive.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

It's Rocky. I didn't think I would be this relieved to see him but I am. He shakes me as if waiting for a response.

"I...I don't know," I stutter letting the tears drop. Not meaning to, I throw my arms around him and cry into his neck.

I freeze in his arms, his hands are held by his side. Although he's kissed me and hasn't hesitated to touch me before, this gesture burns. I wanted him to hug me back, or perhaps tell me things would be okay.

I pull myself back, humiliated, and look down at the ground. "Sorry."

"That car could have hit you," Rocky tells me calmly.

I nod. "I know," I say quietly. "I don't know what happened."

"You shouldn't have ran away like that."

I nod again. "Everything I do Rocky, it goes bad. I don't know why but it does. Everyone around me gets hurt. You'll get hurt too."

When I look up, Rocky is watching me intently. "You don't have to go through what you're experiencing alone."

I want him to elaborate but he doesn't, so I don't push it.

"Get in the car, Sky."

I do as he says. I'm soaking wet and his shiny black Lamborghini now has a wet passenger seat thanks to me. He doesn't care though, at least I don't think he does.

The rain. Mother used to tell me good things happen in the rain. Rocky though, he once told me good things happen under the rain.

That night, the one where I spent with Rocky. The last day of graduation. It was raining that night. The whole year had gone to the abandoned woods by the side of the school. Beers and campfires, it was all happening until it rained. Everyone practically disappeared and it turned into a ghost town. Rocky had insisted on dropping me off home. One thing led to another and I was soon in his bed.

When we get home, his home...or our home, Rocky sits me by the fireplace. He hands me a blanket and his butler offers me tea.

I shiver trying so hard to suppress it. I hate that I look weak. When the butler offers me a towel, before I even attempt to grab it, Rocky claims it.

He makes his way behind me and grabs my hair. I pull forward. "You don't have to do that."

Rocky frowns. "I'm your damn husband," he says. "Even if it's for six months, can you let me do this."

I stay quiet as he rubs my hair between the towel. I close my eyes. This feels good but of course I don't tell him that.

When he's done, he lets the towel fall on the floor and sits at an angle from me. So that he's in front of me but not covering the fireplace.

"I'll see you in bed," Rocky says.

I sense he's angry with me. I don't know how to fix it. I also don't know how to react anymore. Part of me is upset. This marriage contract should never have happened. No sensible person would do this to someone. I however know that I've also been bad, and slightly immature about the whole situation.

Rocky leaves and I let him.

Bringing the tea to my lips, I stare at the flames in the fire. I need to fix this. Don't know how but I do.

My phone chimes and I get up to see the text. Mother and father are requesting to meet Rocky. They want to talk to us. I frown. They'll be able to see through me in a heartbeat. They'd know that it wasn't a real marriage.

Rocky's butler offers me more tea but I refuse. I thank him for his help and he smiles in my direction. I can tell he appreciates the gesture. He grabs my cup and disappears.

My eyes pull me into sleep. I should head to sleep. Grabbing the railing on the stairs, I head upstairs until I get to the front door of the bedroom.

When I walk in, Rocky is already in bed. I'm already in sweats so I get in without changing. I cannot tell if he's awake, he has his back to me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Go to sleep, Sky."

I shake my head and turn my body in his direction. "I'm sorry," I say. "I was angry."

"You should rest, you've had a rough day," Rocky answers without looking at me.

I place a hand on his shoulder and gently tug him. He doesn't put up a fight or hesitate, he just turns in my direction.

A tear slips down my face and I hate that I feel this way. "I..." I start but cannot finish the sentence.

Rocky wipes my tears and pulls my body against his, resting my head into his shoulder. "It's fine, Sky."

I shake my head into his shoulder. "It's not," I whisper. "It really is not."

Rocky rubs the back of my head and it calms me down. "You're home now, that's all that matters."

He kisses the top of my head. It's not his usual flirtatious or sexual behaviour. It's his way of telling me he's here for me.

"You should meet my family," Rocky says and that makes me laugh.

"Do they know about us?" I ask.

Rocky nods. Even in an embrace and his arms around me, I don't need to see him nod, I can sense it.

I pull my head away and look him in the eyes. "They know we're married?"

"Yes, Sky," he answers. "They do."

"And they didn't ask about why so suddenly. I mean they probably have no idea who I am."

Rocky frowns. "Sometimes I think you never listen."

I watch him in confusion. "What?"

"Go to sleep, Sky."

I don't argue because sleep pulls me in and before I know it, I have dosed off.

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