Naked Part Two

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Sitting on the lounge, I flip through the channels of the TV. Nothing spikes my interest enough to watch. Rocky was away at his study for the past few hours trying to clean whatever mess he was in. I didn't disturb because the phone calls were enough to tell me how bad the situation really was, and I was not about to get into the middle of it.

He came down twice. Once to make a cup of tea and the other time to check up on me. Of course that put a smile on my face...not because I needed to be checked on, I mean I'm not a thousand kilometres away, I'm only downstairs while he is upstairs in the study, but because he cared enough to stop whatever he was doing, however important it may be and come and sit with me.

The time is ticking away and I don't know how and what will happen once we hit the six month mark. Do I just get up and leave? Will he kick me out? Do we get a divorce?

Part of me feels incredibly stupid that I'm allowing myself to have feelings for Rocky when I don't know the end results after the six month contract is over. I could have possibly screwed myself over.

I decide to make him a coffee and take it upstairs but he's not in the study. He was there about an hour ago when I walked past. My only other guess, our bedroom.

When I get to our bedroom, Rocky is no where to be seen. I walk in and that's when the bathroom door rattles and Rocky steps out. My mouth opens in surprise and the coffee cup slips from my hand. It hits the carpet and rolls upside down. I have coffee splattered all over me but I don't wince; Rocky is standing completely naked by the bathroom door.

He waves the towel around his hair once before looking at me. "Was that for me?"

I blink then shake my head, suddenly closing my eyes. What is he trying to do?

Taking a deep breath, I bend down to pick up the cup making sure my eyes are down on the carpet. It doesn't help though when his bare legs stop only a few centimetres from the cup. Don't look up, Sky. Do not look up.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I stand up straight and look him in the eyes as I tell myself not to lose eye contact. "Nothing," I reply.

"You didn't burn yourself, did you?" He asks as he brushes a splatter of coffee off my arm.

"No," I say looking down at my arm, but it's not my arm that suddenly burns, it's my leg. I've burnt my leg. The red patch that now spreads across my leg is confirmation of that.

Rocky grabs my arm. "Sit down," he says dragging me to the bed.

I try to stand but he forcefully pushes me down again.

"I'm fine," I tell him as I try to get up again but his hand wraps around my wrist and he pulls me down again.

"Sit," he says sternly.

I don't think he realises he's naked. "You should get dressed."

Rocky smiles. "Why?"

Clearing my throat I then look him in the eyes. "Because you're naked."

"I'm well aware, Sky."

"Do you not care?"

"What," he says. "That my wife can see me naked. Pretty sure you've already seen me naked."

"But because it makes you uncomfortable," he says "even though I quite like it, I'll cover up."

Rocky walks over right to the towel on the ground by the entrance of the bathroom. Grabbing the towel, he wraps it around his waist.

He goes to the dresser and pulls out the first aid kit. I look surprised because I never even knew it was there. In all honestly, I probably do not know where a lot of things in this house are.

As I stay seated on the bed, he bends down on the carpet and opens the first aid kit. He pulls out a cream and applies it over my leg. I squeeze my eyes shut from the pain.

Grabbing the gauze bandage, Rocky wraps it around my leg and secures it. "You should be careful next time. That is a bad burn."

I nod having no words.

Rocky stands up and walks over to the bathroom. "Now that you're fine, I guess I can continue," he says with a wink.

Before I can even ask what he means by that, he drops the towel on the floor and walks into the bathroom. I'm pretty sure my eyes jumped out of their sockets in shock. Rocky really likes messing with me, although I sort of did the same thing yesterday.

He walks out within a few seconds with a brush in his hand and begins to brush his hair in front of the mirror by the door. There was one in the bathroom but because he so obviously is enjoying himself, he has to brush it out here in the bedroom.

Grabbing the cup and saucer, I turn around to head out of the bedroom but Rocky's hand wraps around my wrist stopping me. "I wouldn't mind another cup of coffee considering this one," he says lightly tapping the cup in my hand. "Never got to me in the first place."

"You can make it yourself," I tell him and attempt to push past him.

Failing to do so, Rocky pulls me back, my chest slamming into his bare chest. "I guess if you won't make me the coffee, there are other ways to taste it."

As I give him a questioning look, I attempt to free my hand from his but fail once again miserably.

"You smell of coffee," he says.

My eyes open wide. "Don't you dare," I say as I watch the wheels in his head turn. I know exactly what he plans to do.

Rocky presses his lips against mine and backs me against the door. "Hmm," he says. "You actually taste really good. Guess I don't need that cup of coffee after all. I think I just got my hit from you."

I push at his chest. "You're disgusting."

"And you like it, Sky."

I shake my head. "Do not."

"Then why are you trying so hard to look me in the eyes? It shouldn't be that hard."

"What!" I say in surprise.

"You know I don't care, Sky," he says leaning into me, and then whispering into my ear, "why don't you take a peak. You know you want to."

Slamming my fists into his chest forces him to take a step back. "Take a peak? What's there to peak?" I say as I push past him and out the door.

I hear Rocky laugh in the bedroom. "Nicely played, Sky!" He shouts.

The Six Month ContractOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz