The Perfect Family

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Daniella sits next to me munching down on her popcorn as the credits roll. "That was delightful," she says. "The guy got the girl in the end."

Rydar watches her. "I don't think she got the plot of the movie," he says tilting his head in Rocky's direction. "She does know that even though the guy got the girl, she died of cancer, right?"

I move my hand over my mouth, covering the smile coming along.

"What?" Daniella says snapping her head in Rydar's direction.

He shakes his head and fakes a smile. "Nothing," He says. "Nothing at all."

Rocky's mother places a pastry dish in front of us. "How about this one?" She says.

We all "ooo," and "aaa," at the dishes.

She's been in the kitchen all day making an array of pastries and sweets. I cannot complain, it all tastes exquisite and she has a talent for it.

Rocky stands and joins his father at a game of chess as Rydar takes a seat between Daniella and I. "How are you guys going?" He says, pointing back and forth between Rocky and I for emphasis.

"Good," I nod and suddenly my stomach churns at my response.

"And he's been good to you?"

I nod. "He's been great."

"Okay, then. As long as you're happy," he says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Because you know you can trust me. If something isn't right. You can let me know."

"Thanks, Rydar," I say. Concern fills me that he can see right through me. I don't want him to know what I have planned. There's not much long left now before I make a run for it.

Daniella punches his arm. "Don't put bad thoughts in her mind."

Rydar puts his hand in the air. "Sorry, geez," he says rubbing his arm.

I feel sick. I'm not only going to be hurting Rocky but I'm going to be hurting his family too. His family who are now my family.

I run my fingers through my hair as a way to distract me from their conversation. My eyes find Rocky and I watch him for a second. He's so peaceful there, playing chess with his father.

Rocky's mother brings the last dish which is cream rolls filled with chocolate ganache. I snatch one immediately.

"You okay?" I ask.

Watching her sigh and take a seat on the sofa adjacent to us, she looks exhausted.

She nods. "I forgot how much effort this takes."

"Do tell us mum, what are we going to do with this many pastries?" Daniella asks.

She has a point. Stacked on the table is probably over a hundred pastries.

"Well I haven't done something like that in forever and you all look like sticks and bones, especially you Sky. This could add a good set of meat on you all."

Rocky's mother was right. Since the attack, I had lost a lot of weight. I was skinny but curvy. It now looked like I was losing my curves too and almost becoming a set of bones.

I grab a star cookie off the tray. "To family," I say biting into it.

Beside me, Rydar and Daniella do the same and then Rocky and their father pause their game to join in. Before we know it, between the few of us, we down a good twenty or so pastries which put a smile on their mother's face.

When everyone is talking amongst each other, Rocky slips beside me on the sofa. He rests his leg on the coffee table and holds my hand in his.

I turn to watch his family but they're distracted amongst each other and I know full well Rocky will take advantage of this moment.

"Sky," he says. "You look gorgeous."

I nod. "What do you have in mind?"

He raises an eyebrow in question. "Why would I have something in mind?" He says subtly kissing my cheek.

"Because I know that look," I say using my hand to draw an invisible circle around his face for emphasis.

"Oh that look," he says. "Am I having dirty thoughts going through my mind about you right now? Yes. But am I going to act upon it? Not while my family is still here."

My mouth drops open. Rocky leans forward and with a finger props my chin up, forcing my mouth shut before planting a kiss on them.

"Rocky!" I whisper. "Your family is here."

"So," he replies. "Are you saying I cannot kiss you in front of my family."

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" I say in panic before looking back at his family to see if they saw us. They're all distracted by Daniella shoving pastries in her mouth. It seems like she's trying to see how many will fit.

Rocky leans forward. "Honey, I don't think my family cares."

I frown beside him and just as he's about to say something else, I snap my head in his direction. "Don't!"

Rocky nods. "Yes, my dear," he says bowing his head. "Anything else?"

I shake my head and lean back against the sofa. Tiredness consumes me.

Rocky watches me for a second. It's like he understands because he asks, "ready to go home?"

I nod.


Getting home, I rush for the bathroom to brush my teeth and then head straight for bed but stop when I see my phone chime.

Picking my phone up, I notice a text.

We need to talk.

I frown. It's late at night and my parents think now is a suitable time to talk.

I'm about to dial father's number when I feel Rocky pull me into a hug. "You okay?"

I nod. "Family drama," I say holding up the phone. "Let me call them and then I'll be out."

Rocky releases me and heads for the bed. "Don't be too long."

I walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs. My heart pounds because whenever they text like that, it's never good news.

When I'm sure I'm out of distance from Rocky to the point that he won't be able to hear the conversation, I dial father.

"Sky," his voice comes sounding tired.

"Dad, is everything okay?"

There is a small pause on the other side of the phone.

"I need to talk to you," he replies.

It's not the answer to my question. "So talk," I say.

"I don't think we should have this conversation over the phone."

"Okay Dad," I say with concern written all over my face. "You're scaring me. What's the matter?"

The phone call suddenly ends and dread consumes me. I call him back but I am advised that his phone is switched off. Sweat forms on my forehead.

What was so important that couldn't be said over the phone?

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