Kiss and Make Up

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"You weren't supposed to be there!" I yell slamming the door behind me as we enter Rocky's place.

Rocky takes his coat off and rests it on the staircase. "Really?" He says. "Because it really looked like you had it all together."

I frown. "So what," I tell him. "That's none of your business."

He smirks in my direction and I hate it. "None of my business? Oh really," he looks me deadset in the eyes as he takes a step forward. "Last time I checked you were my wife, hence that makes it my damn business," he says in a stern voice.

I roll my eyes as I take a step back, creating distance between us. "You should've just let me solve the issue myself."

"Why are you being like this?" He asks. "I just solved the matter. Can't you say thank you and move on."

I laugh in frustration. "You cannot be serious."

"You want me to tell you thank you when you're the reason I'm in this mess to begin with!" I yell. "Bloody hell, Rocky. You are so dense sometimes."

Rocky frowns. "Don't you dare blame this on me. No one asked you to marry me, you had a damn choice and you took it."

He had a point. I wasn't going to admit that to him though. I wouldn't give him another reason to win.

"Screw you!" I shout. "You're bloody selfish and you..."

Before I can finish the sentence, Rocky's lips are on mine and he has softly pressed my back against the wall by the staircase. His lips move slowly against mine. I feel his hands move up my hips and suddenly I'm aware that this is so wrong.

I push him back. "Can you stop kissing me!"

"Can you stop yelling," Rocky says.

"You're a pig," I say as I push past him and head for the stairs.

Halfway up the stairs, I turn to face him. He's still looking at me and I hate that I can see it in his eyes...the win.


Maybe I should've thanked Rocky. He had a point. My family were not pleased, especially dad. Rocky did sort of calm the situation down, and I'm pretty sure by the time we left father actually liked him.

I cannot go and say that to him. No way. He'd laugh and tell me how wrong I was. He'd make me feel terrible and that's the last thing I need from him. I just have to carry on for a few more months and then I can move on in my life.

I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would ever get divorced. Now it's already written in my future and I have no control over it.

The small tear that slips past my eye is the only tear I let fall as I wipe it away. I'll have to be strong for myself, for my family. They deserve this. I deserve this.

The door opens and Rocky walks in. "You okay?"

I nod.

"You calm?" He asks.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Seriously, Rocky? Calm?" I tell him. "You think I'm going to rip your head off. What kind of question is that."

Rocky merely smirks in my direction and the way the corner of his lip tilts up frustrates me. He knows he pushes my buttons.

"Wouldn't put it past you to do that," he says.

"What do you want, Rocky?" I ask.

He walks closer, a few steps. I watch him not knowing how to react. Then a few more steps in my direction.

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