So This Is How It Started

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When I wake up in the morning, Rocky has his arm around my waist. I want to move it to begin with but as my hand reaches his hand to pull away, I merely rest it on his remembering the promise I made.

He nuzzles his head further into my neck while still in a sleeping state. I'm frozen from the gesture, not knowing how to react. It's not like I can pull away.

Suddenly I feel Rocky's lips move against my neck. "You taste good," he says as his finger draws circles on my bare stomach.

When I attempt to pull my shirt down to cover my stomach, Rocky merely stops me before pulling my body into his. The heat of his body instantly penetrates mine and a warming sensation travels through my body. "We should've started our mornings like this."

I simply nod. I won't fight this though I desperately want to. It's been over a month. We're nearly there and I just have to keep pushing for a few more months.

His hands travel up my body resting on my face as he draws me closer. His lips touch mine almost too softly and I practically melt into his arms. The intensity of the kiss picks up as Rocky twists me. He's now on top of me and bending down to meet my lips. I bunch his t-shirt in my hand as I pull him closer but the sudden loud snap that follows downstairs pulls us to a stop.

My head snaps to his and he watches me. "Get dressed," he says and heads for the bathroom. "Oh, and don't let Rydar know this is a six month contract."

His words surprise me. The flirtatious manner he was demonstrating in bed with me has changed to a serious look. How he does it is beyond me?

I quickly rush to the walk in wardrobe, although I'd call it a room. How did he know it was Rydar? I find a pair of jeans with a few cuts going down the thighs and knees. It's a rich blue. I find a plain white t-shirt and pull that on.

I can hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom, of the tap being turned on and off. The sound of something opening and shutting and before I know it, Rocky stands near the door as I step out.

"How do you know it's Rydar?" I ask him as I fall in step beside him.

Rocky stops and watches me. He doesn't utter anything but the tip of his lip picks up as if to smile but not quite.

"What?!" I question. "Genuine question."

He sighs before walking down the steps. "I hate that we got interrupted."

I frown. "Are you avoiding my question?"

"Rydar has a habit of slamming doors and not shutting them. You'll get used to it."

I nod and walk beside him. His hand finds mine and he grips it tight. The gesture scares me because for a second I feel like he needs reassurance we'll work, that he can prove it to his brother, but he's too cocky for that so it would have to be something else.

When we get downstairs, I follow Rocky to the living room where Rydar has already made himself at home. His legs are perched across the lounge and he has a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"Morning," he says in our direction with a salute.

I watch Rocky who walks up to his brother but I stay frozen in my spot. I promised Rocky I'd make this work, I just don't know how. My hand turns into a fist beside me and I'm forced to hold them behind my back as I make my way over to them.

Rydar smiles at me. "Looking gorgeous as always, Sky."

I nod my appreciation before Rocky throws a pillow in his brother's direction forcing the popcorn bowl to tip over and fall against the carpet. "What was that for?"

Rocky smirks. "That's my girl you're talking about."

"Yea I know," Rydar replies. "I was complimenting her, you doofus."

Rocky laughs. "Yea, that's what you say."

Rocky's hand reaches for mine and he pulls me on to his lap. "Don't mind him," he whispers in my ear. "Rydar compliments every girl he possibly can."

A small smile appears on my lips and I turn to face Rydar. "Thanks for the compliment," I tell him and turn to look at Rocky. "Some people just get jealous when their girl is complimented."

Rocky leans in and I can feel the heat of his body against mine. "Now you're my girl?" He whispers.

I cough clearing my throat. "Didn't I promise to make this work," I whisper back knowing very well how close he is to me and the wild thoughts running through my mind.

Rydar coughs which draws our attention. His finger goes to his mouth and he indicates to us that he wants the throw up. "Dude, seriously. Like I know you guys are like love birds and all but not in front of the brother."

Suddenly a hand smacks the back of Rydar's head forcing him to be jolted forward. "Stop it," Daniella says. "They look cute together."

Rydar frowns but squeezes Daniella's hand. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Sky and I are friends now, isn't that right?"

I nod. "Affirmative."

Rydar and Rocky look at each other. "We thought two ladies were hard to handle in this family," Rydar says. "Now there's three."

Rocky laughs as Daniella smacks them both. "Sky is your wife," she tells Rocky. "And your sister-in-law, have some respect."

A small smile appears on my face and for some weird reason, this scene playing out in front of me, of a happy family is something I have craved my whole life. I never had this with my parents. It was only ever myself and them.

Daniella says something and Rydar laughs. From the corner of my eye Rocky frowns but squeezes my thigh. I, of course, have no idea what is being said but I turn to face Rocky and smile. Maybe just maybe, I could fit into this family for the next few months.


"You're missing milk," Rocky says as he walks up behind me.

I frown. "I cannot for the life of me find the baking pan."

"Storage," Rocky says. "No one bakes here so it's all there."

Removing my hand from the gooey mixture, I wipe it down his white shirt and head for the sink. A small smile plasters on my face as shock registers over Rocky's.

"What the hell," Rocky exclaims. "What's that for?"

I wipe my hands on the towel and turn to face him, leaning back on the bench. "I don't know, thought it was funny."

Rocky nods. "Fun for you, not so much for me."

I tilt my head sideways indicating I don't care. That's when Rocky takes his shirt off and throws it on the floor. He knows a shirtless Rocky seems to effect me in ways not possible to humankind. For some weird reason when he's shirtless I have every possible thought that isn't good but oh so good at the same time.

"No way," I say pointing at his shirt to change my thought process. "You can't just leave it there."

Rocky smirks in my direction. He takes a step forward and then another. My throat tightens, I have no idea what's going through his mind.

He dips his hand in my unbaked mixture and grabs me. His hand wipes it down my cheek as I protest and pull myself back.

"Rocky, please stop," I beg. "You're going to make my clothes dirty."

He grabs my hip and wipes his hand down the side of my thigh. "That's the point darling."

"Not fair," I say trying to wiggle free of his clasp.

He pulls me into what seems like a hug only to raise my shirt and plaster his hands all over my back. The kneaded dough against my skin makes me frown. "It's all dirty now."

"Take if off," Rocky suggests.

My mouth drops open and I give him a disgusted look.

"What," he says. "You got my shirt off, it's only fair I get yours off."

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