What Are You Hiding?

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Rocky didn't come home last night, at least not until I fell asleep. I waited until two in the morning but he didn't show.

It makes me nervous to see a sudden change in behaviour. I know he's hiding something from me and it drives me crazy not knowing. I've just learnt to trust him but now I fear that maybe that was a mistake.

I sit up on the bed. Of course Rocky isn't beside me, but then once again, I do not know if he even came home last night.

I push the sheets away and walk into the bathroom to freshen up.

Once done, I leave the bedroom and check the living room. From the corner of my eye, I notice the butler watching me.

I flip my head in his direction. "Is Rocky home?"

He nods and then frowns. "Upstairs in the guest room."

I nod in appreciation and make my way back upstairs. The first guest room is empty, and so is the second. I find Rocky in the third guest room. He's shirtless and doing push ups on the floor.

I clear my throat to draw his attention while he stops mid way pushing himself up. He stares at me and then stands up going for his towel and water bottle.

"Where were you last night?"

"I had to do some work."

"Work?" I question. "In the office?"

He nods.

"That late?"

He nods again.

Frustration boils in my throat. "You just disappeared after the party. Just left me there hanging. You don't even tell me what's happening and you're sleeping here," I say pointing at the messy sheets on the bed.

"I didn't want to disturb you," Rocky replies.

Frowning, I stare him deadset in the eyes. "Well that's exactly what you did."

Shaking my head, I take a deep breath in hopes to clear my mind. It's like we take one step forward and another ten back. I admit I was hard to deal with at the beginning but now it seems like Rocky is the hard one.

"Did I do something to upset you?" I ask.

Rocky watches me carefully in the eye and then places both his towel and water bottle on the table before making his way to me. He pulls me into a hug.

"Sorry," He whispers into my hair as tears run down my face. "I know I've been acting off. It's just I've had a few stressful days at work and I got some bad news."

I pull back from him and wipe my tears. "What kind of bad news?"

"In relation to my work. It could cost both me and my company."

I stare at the palm of my hand as I play with my fingers nervously. "Why didn't you tell me? How bad is it?"

Rocky pulls me back into a hug. "Don't worry about it. Leave that with me, I wouldn't want you stressing over the matter."


Turning the shower off, I grab for the towel and wrap it around my body. I use the spare towel to dry my hair.

"You don't understand!"

The voice startles me. That's Rocky's voice and he seems angry. I quietly press my ear against the bathroom door to listen to Rocky in our bedroom.

"You need to drop the matter," Rocky says.

A few seconds in silence go by. My assumption is he's listening to whoever is on the other side of the phone.

"I trust her and I've told you that. You putting these ideas in my head won't work. I've already caused her enough pain."

I stop and pull myself away from the door. Who is he taking about? Who has Rocky hurt and who on earth is she for Rocky to trust?

Technically I shouldn't be listening. It goes against everything I stand for but this time I cannot help it. I press my ear to the door again, hoping Rocky has no clue I'm listening.

"Find out who leaked those files, and why," Rocky says sharply. "I will not tolerate betrayal from my employees. Oh and Liam, for the final time, Sky has done nothing so I suggest you let the idea go."

My throat catches. What is Liam saying about me? This guy definitely did try and brainwash Rocky against me, possibly because I caught him in our house. A small smile appears on my lips, Rocky trusts me. That's enough for me.

Rocky mentioned leaked files. So that's what was putting him under pressure. I've never seen him like that, the way he was this morning, or even last night for that matter.

The only question on my mind...what was on those files? It would have to have been important enough to have Rocky this concerned, and as he had said, it could cost both him and his company.

The silence tells me the phone conversation is over. Counting to thirty, I finally open the door and Rocky watches me.

"You look lovely in a towel," he says with a playful wink. "But I'd think you'd look even lovelier without one."

Staring at him, I suddenly look down. I've walked out of the bathroom in my towel. I was distracted that I never realised I had stepped out in my towel.

Before I can run back into the bathroom, Rocky's hand wraps around mine. "Where do you think you're going?"

I point to the bathroom. "To...change."

Rocky smirks. "Oh but I don't want you to change," he says mischievously. "And I think we ought to have some fun, don't you think?"

I shake my head. "Absolutely not."

He lifts his eyebrow in question. "Why?" He asks. "Is there another guy you'd rather do all this with?"

"No way!" I say which draws a smile from Rocky. I've pleased him, gosh darn it. "I mean maybe."

"Oh," he says pressing my back against the wall and leaning into me. "Then maybe I need to step up my game."

His hand wraps around my towel and with a gentle tug, the towel falls. I freeze in my spot. I'm aware how naked I really am, but Rocky's eyes stay on my face and they don't for a second quiver.

I take a deep breath. "If you want me, you should just say so."

Rocky smiles. "I thought I was pretty clear," he says in a musky voice as his thumb brushes the edge of my hip.

I try to stay straight but even that small gesture makes me weak in the knees. "You should give me my towel back."

"And if I don't?"

I have no reply for him. I don't know what to say...so I kiss him. I press my lips against his and then without a second to spare, my tongue enters his mouth. We're kissing rough, fast but it slows and just when I know I've got Rocky exactly where I need him, I pull back.

Smiling I tell him, "you're right, you do need to step up your game," and with that I walk away naked into the bathroom. I don't bother grabbing the towel, I let him scan my body with his eyes because I just won.

Rocky smiles. "Huh."

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