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Alexia woke up the next morning with the memory of last night’s dinner still fresh in her mind. She rolled over in bed and clutched the soft sheets to her chest. Last night, she arrived at spring bird, met the family and ate supper with them. She met Colin’s mum and his half-sister. Who would have ever known that the world could be so small? It was so big, yet so small. Samantha was Colin’s mother! That fact was still surprising to her.

Sitting up in bed, Alexia groaned. “At lease he could have mentioned it.” She threw herself back into the pillows as she recalled the memory of Samantha catching her in a compromising position with her son. Just like yesterday at dinner, her face flushed as embarrassment engulfed her like a thick blanket.

“No, no, no, no.” She groaned into the pillow and wished the sun had not come up today, because she was not ready to face them. She wished she were not working for Colin’s mum.

A loud hearty laugh, followed by excited screams, reached her room and she quickly scrambled out of bed. Her white nightie flowed down to her ankles as she moved to see what excited Sofia so much this early in the morning. She parted the curtains, opened the glass doors and walked out onto the balcony. Fresh air blew over her while the sun rays warmed up and caressed the skin of her shoulders, back and neck.

Down below, she saw the little bundle of joy by the fountain, throwing water at Colin, who was also doing the same thing. The scene fascinated her as she held the rails and continued to watch their little game.

They plucked the flowers surrounding the fountain, scattered the petals around and wet themselves plus the entrance with water from the fountain. They were making a mess of the place and it did not look like one of them was a full-grown man. A smile formed on her lips as she continued to watch them. It might be fun playing like that, but they surly would get in trouble with Samantha for destroying her flowers.

“Oh, dear lord!” That was Samantha’s terrified scream when she came out of the front door and saw what her oldest and youngest child had done. Alexia watched as the fuming mother dealt with her naughty children. Sofia was the first to run away in tears from there and then Samantha went after her.

After the front door slammed shut, Colin raised his gaze and met Alexia’s. Her heart skipped a beat and then she froze. Even from that far distance, his eyes still had the ability to make her insides melt. They watched each other for long moments and all of a sudden, she became self-conscious of her attire. Her nightie was a white silk material, designed to cling to one’s body. Besides that, she was not wearing any panties or brassier. Right now, she felt naked, compared to him who was in a round neck white shirt and grey slacks. Colin’s gaze was burning holes through her dress and she quickly moved back into the room before her knees gave out.        

After taking a shower and changing into a black and white stripped blouse over a pair of black jeans and white sneakers, Alexia left her room. She was preparing herself mentally for work when voices echoed from downstairs and interrupted her. It was after she reached the balcony that she saw Colin and Elijah at the base of the staircase. They looked like they were ready to rip each other’s throats.  

“What are you doing here?” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. Both men turned their heads and saw her. Alexia doubled her steps, taking the stairs two at a time. She came to a stop in front of them and crossed her arms.

Both men stared like dummies. The beautiful red haired in casual clothes with an attitude captivated them both and left them speechless. Their intense gazes made her feel uncomfortable. Therefore, she quickly broke the silence that had fallen between them, by repeating her question. “I asked what you are doing here, Elijah?” That snapped them out of their dazed state.  

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