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The job was much difficult than he thought, however he kept going. Picking the hammer from the toolbox, he hit a nail into the roof and then picked another one. Colin was fixing his roof, which had cracked last night during the storm. Yes, last night there was a storm and he had not even realized it until this morning. Even worse, he had not felt it at all. He had not felt the wind or the rain, but he felt something else. Oh yeah, he felt the soft arms, which had circled his waist, the face that had pressed against his chest and the slender legs, which had lain on top of his all night long.

"Uh, Alexia." Colin sighed, her name, looked at the hole in his roof and still could not believe that he had not felt the storm. Damn, was holding Alexia in his arms so comforting that he could not see or feel everything that was happening around him? He could not even explain what had happened to him last night.

He had only gone into her room to comfort her because he guessed she would be sad. However, he ended up going to bed with her without actually going to bed with her. This was unheard off. If the boys found out that he was in Alexia's bed with her and nothing happened, they would laugh at him because they knew that when Colin Knight was in a bed with a woman, they would not be sleeping.

Colin, who was completely lost in his thoughts, lost the grip of his hammer and it fell to the ground. He whispered something obscene and then raked his fingers through his hair, frustrated. He looked down at the hammer, then at the hole in the roof and then at the clouds which were slowly darkening. Sighing, he started his way down the ladder. He had to finish this before the rain starts again or else, his room would be flooded. Last night he had been lucky Samantha had rushed to his room and placed a bucket to collect the water when the roof caved in. She had saved him from work, but then found out that he did not spend the night in his room.

"What did you do to her?" Was Samantha's first question when he went down to breakfast this morning? His mother had stopped being a fun of him after she found out he was after Alexia to win a bet. She had given him strict warnings to stay away from her and not hurt her under her roof.

Colin had assured his mum he did nothing to her and if she did not believe him, to ask Alexia herself when she came down for breakfast. Unfortunately, Alexia did not come for breakfast. Therefore, she did not get the chance to ask her before she accompanied Rees and Alec to the airport.

Colin descended from the last step and took the hammer in a firm grip. Retrieving his towel from the back pocket of his jeans, he wiped the sweat on his face and chest then stuffed it back where he took it.

Thunder clasped above him and then he knew he had to hurry with the repairs. The rain would start any moment from now. Climbing back up the ladder, he continued his work. Within a few minutes, he was done and returned the tools to the shed.

Colin entered the main house through the back door and sat at the dining table. He was having a drink when he heard footsteps enter the kitchen. A smile formed on his lips as he recognized the sound of her walk. So, she had finally decided to come out of her room. It was about time. He was beginning to think she was going to skip breakfast today.

Her footsteps moved around the kitchen and he wondered what she was looking for. They continued to move around until they stopped. He heard the fridge open and then a squeal filled the kitchen, echoing through the silent house. Colin rushed out of his chair, worried that something happened to her.

As soon as he burst into the kitchen, her rounded tush greeted him. Alexia was bending over, reaching for a bottle that he guessed she dropped. The sight of her tush in the jeans was so impressive that he could not help but whistle.

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