Part 4: A dark night or a way to light

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You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light

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You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.

-Madeline L'Engle


This evening seemed different than any other evening she had seen in her nineteen years of life. Her home looked more beautiful than she had ever seen it, bathed in golden grandeur, the aura that spoke of wealth, power and elegance all at the same time.

Tonight there was not a corner left in darkness. Not an inch of palace that wasn't glowing in the fire litten golden lanterns, hanging in every corridors and rooms and hallways along with the strings of Jasmine and roses covering the walls and ceilings rivaling with those of the most exotic of perfumes in the country.

Tonight when every part of the cold, white marble was hidden under the best of Persian rugs and carpets and every pillar had paired silken drapery around them. The villa no more looked like the cold, empty house that she had resided in, throughout her life with her father.

The interior was far from old despite the freezing temperature outside. Perhaps since, every coal burner was put to use tonight when the guests arrived, most of them belonging to novelty or royalty.

"And empty?"She scoffed at the thought. There was so loud a chatter and frequent giggles and laughter that she was sure, the farthest village in Agra could here them tonight.

And while so much was going on downstairs...the delicacies and drinks flooding around while dancers performed one after another. The women flaunted their diamonds and jewels and silks that they donned tonight and the men discussed business.

She was holed up here, the situation pressing the a haze of glum around her like a protective wall. The heavy bridal attire in a blazing red and jewels that belonged to her late mother was proving to be too heavy on her petite shoulders.

She was sitting in front of a mirror for hours now but not once has she dared to match her own eyes withe reflection of a princess that she doesn't want to become.

Long after she was announced ready. That she was now capable of endowing the most elusive of men. She hadn't looked up, afraid that it would snap her self restraint in two, forcing her facade to break and the real....lost...hurt and pained heiress to come out.

She hadn't looked up when she heard the loud voices outside. She hadn't looked at her reflection when the ladies announced the groom party had arrived.
Not even when she was left alone in the room as the ladies were gone to watch the welcome ceremony.
'On whom was she angry at? '

She silently listened to the sounds of popping and whizzing firecrackers in the sky as the celebration reached its pinnacle. Her eyes misting.
'Please maa....give me strength! 'She prayed to the godess.... when every single ray of hope was lost. When every other way seemed closed. She asked for strength to accept her fate, the finality of it all sinking in when she decided to submit!

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