Part 19: Intrusion

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Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.
-William Hazlitt

"By erradicating the current ruler of course." The queen looked with embers of fire in her eyes.

Bewildered beyond words, the young prince did a double took at that woman and then twice again but there was indeed no hint of either hoaxing or jesting as she stood there a few feet away.

"Why of course, the favourite queen will have no qualms in taking the life of her poor, pathetic old husband......" Chandra shook his head dramatically. "No surprise there indeed!" He spat the words at her in utter disgust.  "But  you have yet again exhibited the extreme foolhardiness that you seem to possess. " He smiled bitterly.
"If your pathetic husband dies someday, either by sheer accident

or by feigned accident, it would be the elder prince Roopak to inherit the throne and not me...
And just for your kind information, if indeed someday I want the throne I will conquest it by open challenge in a war and not like a coward backstabber. "

"Oh you don't know me at all Chandra but since you explicitly made it clear that you don't deserve even an ounce of my aid and neither would you rectify your previous made mistakes I suppose there is no more left to discuss. " queen Sunayna spoke after a few moments of silence but astonishingly this time her voice was devoid of any emotion, calm and composed she stood.

"Glad you got that woman because I was sick of trying to make you believe this same thing from so long. " although these were his external words his mind was beyond confounded by her poised demeanour.

But without spending another second debating about a nuisance that had finally dropped off his head, he decided to return back to his chamber.

"Have a nice life. " came her strange greeting as he crossed the threshold leaving her alone in the darkness.
"Have a nice life Chandra while it lasts!"


The corridors were as empty as they had been when he had arrived. The fire litten torches and lanterns were now at the verge of being doused, the fuel in them at its end. Since, it was almost dawn.

The darkness of the sky had lightned many shades when he entered back into his personal bed chamber and the sweet ache from somewhere within him came back with a vengeance too, when he found his nineteen years old wife already asleep snuggled deep into HIS sheets.

For a few moments thereafter, Chandra stood at the doorway watching her sleep.......and when the softness of bed started to appeal him more than the allure of his young wife, he dropped back into those very same sheets, lying close to her.
And with the first ray of sun at the break of dawn, he was deep into the region of slumber of his own.

Sitting up on the bed, she yawned stretching her arms as she did so and even though the bedstead and the surrounding room seemed to be an unfamiliar territory, the man lying close to her was familiar enough to have her running for the hills.

She knew quite well by the escapades of the last day and the way he had looked at her throughout. Things might have gone to a very different directions, if not for the timely interruption that came his way last night.

Chewing on her lips she looked around twice unable to decide, which way to dash for.
No, it wasn't because she was afraid of him but because she knew that like every other encounters between them if he tried to touch her again she would melt like the frost on flames.
And 'that ' did terrify her!

Her emotions for him were unsettled but more damaged was her life and even though her body felt it alright to delve into the counters of HIS strong arms and  see where it takes her, it frightens her all the same.

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