Part 16: Journey from woods to the palace

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In the garden of memory

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In the garden of memory. In the palace of dreams.....that is where you and I shall meet.

-John Donnelly

"For the sake of God, can't you control your language?" Even if unwittingly, a furious blush enveloped her natural rosy cheeks that she tried to obscure with an air of rage towards that insatiable man. 'Her husband precisely' And that is what his words had claimed, hadn't they?

'Tonight I will make you cry my name so many times and in so many ways in my bed that you will never be able to recall even the first letter of the name of your dead lover.' She gulped looking further away into the darkness, lest he might notice something strange on her face and read her thoughts? For the imageries running through her mind after that tell-tale proclamation weren't something she would want him to know. 'Prepare yourself, because you are about to become my wife in real scene.'

'Ugghh!' She have to stop this insanity.

But that was all futile wasn't it? Because she can already hear his muffled chuckle down her ear. She shuffled uncomfortably on the floor when she perceived how close they were. A mere breath away. And darn that man as his chuckles morphed into full blown laughter by her antics and Devika's breath was expulsed out in a gusto! No it wasn't because of his laughter or her embarrassment but the cause were two strong muscular arms that had swiftly gone around her waist in the most intimate fashion and now that she was with no choice but to be a bewildered captive in his arms.

But that wasn't all! Her spine was propped against his chest as her breathing grew haggard, while her head was safely tucked away below his chin, at the crook of his neck.

Neither of them was able to refute the fact then that it felt like  an enchanting dream. Something that was too good to be true and yet an ironic reality of sorts!
Ironic, because Devika knew in her subconscious mind that she shouldn't be doing this, that she must hate him for treating her the way he did.
And Chandra knew it too that he must not venture into this too familiar territory of passion which would make everything many folds complex ..... since Devika was nothing but a obligation he had taken upon himself to escape the claws of that venomous foreign princess.

But darn! That his wife wasn't unappealing to eye, didn't help the matter at all!
Had he married an ugly-hideous, fat tottering hag who was supposed to be spoilt rotten as a heiress, he would have been successful in keeping his sanity......but unfortunately anything better than that becomes his weakness.
And this one in his arms can put a thousand of those foreign princesses to shame.

'So no one can indeed blame him if he chooses to bed her. '
As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he reminiscenced the memory of a night before. Their first intimate moment together. If the taste of those lips had been such a luscious appetizer he can only fantasize how she would taste as a whole. How her bare unclothed form would look lay revealed beside him after he would be done. 

Oblivious to his corrupt thoughts surrounding her, she had visibly relaxed in his arms as her erratically beating heart settled bit by bit. She would be lying to herself if she denies that it felt nice being there. It did because she had never felt so secure in all her life. It felt nice to be clasped in the most intimate embrace of a man, her husband.

Only if she knew that the thoughts running in her husband's mind weren't that nice! Chandra was struggling between his needs and his rational thoughts. The prior telling him to throw caution in the wind and have his way with her while the later kept on shouting to keep his distance. 'He is his wife damn it!'

'Only a single taste!' He promised himself after a long wrestle with self control. 'What can possibly go wrong with a single peck?'

But then he was so- wrong in so-so many ways! Now that he picked up her chin and dipped his head lower to capture her's, the innocent peck he had decided on first morphed into something else altogether and THAT broke a havoc inside him. The rational angles were gone in a flick and all he was left with was.... the raging need to have her right then.

Kissing her one last time with all his might, he then broke away only look deep into her shinning black orbs, trying hard to overlook the sight of her quivering lips that was now swollen due to his kisses.

"We need to get out of here love, NOW!" He was in a daze and so was she from those repetitive skimming and stroking unleashed on her, all at once and looking into her dazzled eyes and features the prince understood it well enough.

Good for him though because there was no chance of a argument now, there was no need of one either. He wanted it and so did she! Still, he would proudly take it up on himself to make sure she enjoys it as much!


"Her condition has only deteriorated your highness!" Queen sunayna sniffed in her kerchief as her old hog of a husband and king looked at her with sympathy. "I hope your sister will get better with time. Though I do not understand why you asked me to accept that bastard back into the palace otherwise he would have been a dead corpse by now, tell me, have you really forgiven him after all he did to your sister?" The sun has set into the horizon long ago and it were just two of them in that large palatial chamber.

"You do not understand your highness..." she sniffed again. "If he dies, the very hope of a happy life for my sister dies along with him. Though there are a thousand people to show their sympathy every single moment of the day, there isn't one man in this world who will willingly marry her, anymore! Not after knowing the truth."

The king stayed silent after that because it was the truth! Even he had taken a liking towards that young ripe princess and was planning to ask her hand in marriage from her father in a week or two but that scoundrel son of his ruined it all! And well, second hand things weren't something he liked! He had always enjoyed them fresh!

Licking his lips wet he looked back at his youngest queen once again. "So what are you planning to do? Force Chandra to marry your sister once he comes back?"

By now it was as clear as daylight to queen sunayna that prince Chandra wasn't someone who can be forced to do their bidding. But she was sure.... that he will accept the offer she was going to propose. 

'He will marry her little sister and she will provide him the throne of maniteek!'It was simple and it was best.

"Yes, something like that!" She replied to that lusty old hog of a king who sat across her. 'Soon!' She chided herself. 

'Soon she will get rid of this dog!'  


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Lust or Love? (complete) Historical fiction

Married for three nights (historical fiction)

Billionaires lost love(Complete) Romance

The return of passion(Complete) Romance

Thirst of Power (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now