Part 20: Stay awake

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I don’t know how you cope up with your pain but I had no mechanism to cope with hurt at all. In the few years I have lived, I wasn’t quite able to develop any coping mechanism at all, people would say that is since I didn’t require it but that would be a big fat lie and bullshit. Whenever, I face hurt and pain I just start to cry, yes, literally cry! Wail even if you can call it that and blurt everything out to the first person in front of me.
And my friends believe it’s because I am a simple girl and my personality have no complexion, but I would admit that this habit is quite embarrassing, especially when you are in 2nd year of your collage and sputtered and wept relentlessly on your friend’s shoulder and then the next day when you sober up you want to die out of mortification. Yea, so I am like that.
And I cried last night and blurted everything out too(thankfully not at university), flushed my system and wrote this chapter, so don’t get your hopes high on this chapter. It’s quite a load of shit! Literally! And yea, I will use the damn coma, and exclamation mark wherever! I! will! Want!to!

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.
-Helen Keller

"There's news from the spy network, the subordinate generals in the north are planning to revolt.....though there is no certainty of it being successful or even if it is going to happen.....I would still suggest someone to be sent immideatly there, to opress any kind of rebellion and sentence all those behind it!"

"Humm....and whom do you suggest to be assigned this task, Roopak?" The king asked, leaning comfortably on his chair.
"Why of course father, who better than my little brother Chandra, who has both the authority and the power to control and bring it all down....I will recommend his name since he had proved his warfare skills many a times before by winning numerous battles for the kingdom.....he is perhaps the best swordsman and warrior I happen to know. "

Those lines were filled with flattery and upsurging with praise, yet and still all it did was to sting Chandra like a sharp blade twisting in his back.

It stung because, those lines seemed to be so well rehearsed that it left Chandra with no doubt whatsoever that this was all pre-planned -now-orchestrated- drama of his brother. He was doing it deliberately but the reason is yet to be known.

It stung because with that proclamation of Roopak every other eye in the room suddenly got fixated at him, including his father's, scrutinizing his every move suspiciously as if he was going to stand up and bolt right then.

It stung even more because because all those glorifying plaudits that Roopak had specifically woven to trap him in, sounded like sarcastic mockery than anything else and he can do nothing but gnash his teeth in frustration. Since he knew very well that kicking and protesting will lead him even more deeper into the pitfall.

After a long stretch of silence and gazes filled with scrutiny the king finally nodded. "Prepare a troop of 30 best soldiers and fastest horsemen to be sent with him to Dehra, in two days time....." There was yet another stretch of silence for no reason at all or perhaps his father was simply waiting for him to challenge outright his statement and everyone was left relived when he did not.

The meeting was therefore dismissed without further ado but his frustration grew even more when his elder brother caught him in the corridors outside.
"I am just trying to mend bridges, don't get any wrong ideas about my intention." He murmured softly, paying utmost heed to Chandra's expression.

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