{Preference}; Who They Get Jealous/Anxious Of

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With the banished Galran Prince now free to lounge the castle, it made him slightly anxious, especially his behavior. He never necessarily "hit on you", he was just very compliment-y. Very. Towards you more than others.

"That top looks good on you, y/n."

"Great idea, y/n."

"You are a skilled fighter, I see."

Shiro would showingly cling to you if you three happened to be in the same location, just to make sure you were on the same page. He's aware that it's childish, but he loves you too much. 🖤



His apparent rival and the biggest flirt in the known universe, Lance McClain. Lance was totally aware of the friend zone he was to be kept in and never crossed the line, but your boyfriend was just too in love with you to take any chances. He only shows PDA when Lance is around, and it confused the poor Cuban, so you had to explain it to him eventually. Lance jokingly complains and teases that you've been stolen, but you're okay with it. You're happy. ♥️



Everything That Breathes
"Men are wolves, y/n. Men are wolves and you're too hot."
"I'm your girlfriend, I would nev-"
"Shhhh, babe."

If a stranger so much as raises a brow at you, his protection mechanisms kick in and he is all over you. Hand-holding, grabbing, hugging, whatever it takes to make your relationship known to everything around you. He doesn't want to lose anyone else he cares for, so he's not failing this mission. 💙


He's tall, he's wise, he's hot. He's everything she thinks she's not.
Even though you have made it an inside joke between you two that Shiro just being considerate ol' Shiro is trying to steal her girl, she gets slightly nervous that it will actually happen. It's Shiro she's jealous of, but you she's concerned about. She loves you too much to have you give up on what little she can offer you, and you constantly reassure her that you love her to the moon and back, and that's pretty freakin' far away. 💚



No One
He's pure and kind, what else can you say? He doesn't have negative feelings towards anyone or anything without a valid reason, it takes a lot to get him pissed. You're the perfect excuse, though~
If anyone were to make him- or you- feel unsure about your relationship, he'd vent to you and ask for reassurance. He knows you love him, which is 100% true, and he believes it to this day.💛



Your Ex
He had asked about your ex for one-upping purposes, but even though you told him he was a thousand times better, afterwards he still gets anxious that he'll never be as good. You explained to him the intricate dates and fancy presents your rich and douchey ex provided, and his smile faded. If he had to choose between a normal Earth relationship for you or a complicated space romance with a lonely rebel captain, he would give you the first choice every time. But he still loves you, and the thought of your ex disappears when you're around him. 🧡



Even though you have already stated your allegiance- and love- for the Galran Prince, he had gained small suspicions ever since you stood up for him a few visits ago. Even though you were trying to stop him from attacking an innocent, a quality about you he found intriguing, he still glared down the Marmora half-breed you jumped in harm's way of and left the battlefield, you following after. He explained his situation awkwardly, and you reassured that you didn't even know the guy. It ended in a lot of affection-showering. 💜

The bois {and girl} are jelly? Whaaat?
I hope you enjoyed this preference, it was difficult yet fun to write. Hosta-la-later!
Juni out~

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