{Lance x Reader}; Locker Buddy [Part 1]

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Character; Lance McClain

AU; High-school AU

Warnings/ Should Knows;
•Requested by @moolets


"Y/N!" Hunk shouted from across the schoolyard, his voice excited and cheery as always. Depending on the day, it could be either mood-brightening or draining. And, as far as days went, you'd never had one where it was draining. When someone says your name in a way that means you matter to them, it takes away all the negativity for a while.

"Hey guys." You smiled a small one, walking up to join them on the steps leading to the school. That's where you agreed to meet everyday, even if it was the first day of a new year, like today.

"I still can't believe you convinced me to transfer here." You admitted, making the other two friends sitting alongside you smile a bit.

"We're all together now!" Hunk started, then let out a small gasp. "We don't have to work around homework and schedules either because we'll all have the same priorities!"

"Guess the next step is to move in together so we don't have to drive." Pidge joked, looking up from her device for only a few seconds to do so. She then looked at you, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"You'll like it here, I'm sure. You just have to learn the basics." She declared, giving you a sloppy thumbs-up.

You all continued to talk together for a good fifteen minutes, before your friend shut her Juniberry brand laptop and shoved it into her disorganized black hole of a backpack. The two of your friends began to stand abruptly, realizing that a certain group of teens was approaching.

"The Group is here. Let's go."

"..The Group?"

"Ah, I forget that you're new." Pidge grinned. "I wrote this down, hold on;"

"The Group runs the school, but they act like they have no idea what kind of power they have. The student body kisses the ground they walk on, blessed to be born on the same continent as them. They're perfect, that group.

Most schools have hierarchies of popular girls who can straight-up stab you in the hallway and get away with it, but no. We deal with a group of perfect human beings; Bold, intelligent, genuine and tagalong. Well, put together, that is.

The Bold; Keith Kogane. Never not dressed up like he walked fresh out of a Hollister. He's a sixteen-year-old with a red and black Harley Davidson, for heaven's sake. Very moody, insanely attractive and probably not straight. Nevertheless, 95% of the girls in the school prefer him over air. They deny it every time someone points it out, though.

The Intelligent; Allura of Altea. Most likely descended from British royalty, and owns an overly-pampered expensive dog she won't shut up about. She's on Student Council, all the teachers love her and her work, and she never fails. Not to mention her stunning beauty makes every hormonal boy in sight drool.

The Genuine; Takashi Shirogane. A handsome teen with dyed hair, scars and the most interesting conversation topics always on hand. He never turns anyone down and always has a pencil or sheet of paper anyone can borrow. He follows the rules, but isn't afraid the teeter on the edge. Another chick magnet, but he attracts more juniors and seniors than girls his age.

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