{Lotor x Reader}; So Be It

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Character; Prince Lotor

AU; Half Galran!Reader

Warnings/ Should Knows;
•Requested by @gravityfallsgeek21


You were hiding, seeking desperately for supplies in homes across the county. Or, rather, what used to be your county. All that was left was ash, rubble, and remains from the fight your planet had quickly lost.

You were starving, for you hadn't eaten since the Galra had attacked your planet. It was a refuge for Galran hybrids of all kinds, where they would be safe from the race that saw them as wastes of space. Your mother was a strong Galran fighter, your father, a human who was kidnapped and pt aboard. They were both exiled for getting you off of the Mothership, locations unknown.

All it took was one slip-up. One little mistake to get your planet out of its undiscovered state. And someone managed to pull it off. They were here before the sirens could warn you. As far as you knew, you were the one of the few to survive survive the attack, but the only one to live past the drought and supply shortage.

As you were busy going through cabinets, searching in vain for something to ease your aching, starving stomach, your radar device began to beep rapidly. You whipped it out, overjoyed at the thought of a rescue ship or another survivor. It was not to your guesses though, it was of Galra design. But, different...

Nevertheless, you hid. Crouching into a storage closet with your laser pistol armed and ready, you quieted your breathing. The whirring of engines could be heard extremely close by, probably three or four houses away if not less. However, a voice played through the air, catching your attention;

"Any remaining life forms, come out of hiding. You will not be harmed, for we come in peace." A male voice spoke in a British tongue, making your head's gears turn.

'They could be lying, they could be armed, ready to kill. I could attack from behind, take their supplies if I succeed.' You thought, formulating a quick plan. You pushed the unhinged door to the closet open, wincing as it creaked.

It swung upon to reveal a tall, purple-skinned male with long white locks and a sharp face. He was accompanied by a shorter, blue skinned female with chin-length blue hair and a laser pistol simulator to yours. They both wore identical armor, showing Galran technique, but not official design.

"Good to know the life form tracker works." The male muttered, shutting off a device and looking dead at you. You pointed your pistol at him, a stone-cold glare fixed toward him as well.

"Who are you, and what is your business here? This planet lost to the Galra movements ago, no valuables remain." You growled, but he put up his arms in surrender.

"I like her." The female muttered, doing the same hesitantly, dropping her weapon as well.

"Straight to the point, then. My name is Lotor, and this is Acxa. We come representing the reformation of peace throughout the galaxy. You seem like a lively, strong willed individual. If you'll accept, I'd be honored to have you as one of my generals." He spoke, professional and very persuasively. You lowered your weapon a bit, expression softening.

"...You're Galrans who want to bring peace?" You questioned, slowly resting your pistol into it's latch on your belt.

"Yes. Not exactly common, but traditions change. We came here in search of half-breeds who want to stop all of this, and soon. You in?" Acxa asked, lowering her arms and using them to gesture to the disaster surrounding you. Lotor put his hand out to shake, and you took it.

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