{Lance x Reader}; Unconditional Love

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Character; Lance McClaim

AU; None. Onboard the Castleship of Lions, finally!

Warnings/Should Knows;
•Plentiful amounts of fluff, (finally, to some people)
•She/Her pronouns for Pidge


Lance ran his thumb over the smooth glass bottle in his hand, his worried eyes scanning over the pink liquid sloshing around inside.

A merchant on a nearby planet had told him it was an "emotion amplifier", nothing more, nothing less. He also said it was completely harmless, but Lance was nervous. Who wouldn't be?

If you're wondering how this all came to happen, here's the short version; Pidge had made a bet against Lance's belief that Hunk wouldn't barf on the next mission, and spoiler apart, she won. Her reward? She got to give Lance one dare. The dare? Buy a random potion, chug it, and let her film whatever happens.

So, aside from Lance, there was also Pidge and Y/N were in the lounge area of the ship. Y/N was enraptured in a cheesy, random romance book you had bought from the Space Mall, and were completely unknowing as to what was about to happen.

Pidge, on the other hand, was setting up a camera on the ceiling across the room. She put it safely out of range, in case her friend were to blow up or be able to fly or something very freaky and film-able.

Back to our test subject, Lance was beginning to get nervous jitters. His gut was screaming at him, telling him not to do this, but he had never backed down from one of Pidge's dares. He looked up regretfully at Pidge, silently begging for mercy, but she just shook her head.

She gave him a thumbs up and left the room before he gulped in fear, tracing his thumb over the light lid of the bottle. He pressed his thumb against it after a deep inhale, popping the cork out of the circular, stout bottle. He took a shaky breath, brought the glass it to his mouth, and chugged it in it's entirety.

Lance licked around his mouth to catch a dribbling droplet, and that's when it all started.

On the very second he did, he began to writhe in a flash, standing up to ease the pain and dropping the bottle onto the metal floor. It cracked roughly and a few chips broke off, but it didn't shatter. The commotion of noise startled Y/N, and she looked up to see Lance standing up perfectly straight and staring right at her. His usual fond and suggestive look was staring her down, nothing you hadn't experienced before.

His ocean blue eyes, at one point, had shifted color from his natural beautiful hues into a pure, somber magenta, but Y/N turned her focus away too early to notice. She also failed to see Lance walk behind the couch and rest his chin her head cushion, a bright grin overcoming his mouth.

"Y/N. I love you~." He whispered, speaking almost directly into your ear. His breath was hot, minty and low-pressured, yet you were unfazed by the warm tickling. Lance was usually a huge flirt towards most girls. He had never been this.. intense before, but, a flirt nonetheless.

"Do you now?" You asked monotonously, not giving attention to the pink dusting your cheeks as you turned a page of your novel. He pouted a bit at your obliviousness, trying to come up with a plan to capture your attention. He looped his arms underneath yours, reeling you closer to him. Then, he pressed a tender kiss to the back of your ear before looking you in the eyes, eager to see your expression in reply.

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