{Preference}; Their Pick-Up Line

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Are you sure you're not tired? Because you've been running through my mind all night...

He stuttered at the beginning and had to start over, but you were head-in-your-hands entertained and full on smiling as he made himself a blushing mess. You gave him a hug and he was glad he didn't totally fail.

"Ugh, I love you so much." You muttered into the crook of his neck, and he smiled warmly before squeezing you tighter.



Hey, how was my angel when you left heaven falling on your face?

He tried for the classic, but had no idea what he was doing. You giggled at his straight-forward confidence in his abilities, and he looked at you, utterly confused.

"I don't think that's it." You noted, and he pouted before pulling up his sleeve and looking at smudged writing, mumbling words incoherently. You swooped in for a sweaty hug and a giggly kiss before returning to training.



Are you from outer-space? Because your body is out of this world!

"Hardy-har-har, I heard you tell your robot cat that one. Try harder." You teased, but he took it as a personal challenge. For the next hour, he threw all of his best material at you;

Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause girl, you've got fine written all over you!

Do you know what this shirt is made of?
Boyfriend material~

After about fifteen lines, you turned around and granted him a small peck.

"You can stop flirting now, we've been dating for ten months." You stated, and he nodded knowingly. He never ceased following you around, but you were both flustered.



If I was an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase- so I can unzip your genes ;)

Why the winky face? Because she texted it to you, of course! You only found it after the mission was complete and you had not been in the same premises as her, but you did chase after her.

You constantly tease her about it and she hasn't dropped a pickup line on you since, which makes you sad because it flattered your ego a lot.

{You understood the joke 100%, another reason she loves you so much.}



Do you like raisins? No? H-How about a date?

He heard Lance practicing this one in the mirror back at the Garrison, and decided to try it himself. It was an experience you never thought you'd have, space had made him a lot less bold, but you enjoyed in nonetheless.

He did stutter, but overall, he presented it well. He got the date, and took you to the space mall for lunch and some walking-and-talking.



I'm not bein' obtuse, but you're acute girl~

He made it nerd-based for the stereotype, and you loved it. He was clearly nervous the whole time and was trying to give off a really "swag" vibe, so you busted out laughing after he finished.

You had to reassure him that you weren't laughing at him or the pickup line, and it took some one-liners in return to relinquish his embarrassment.



Your face resembles a moon,

"Hah?" You asked, looking at him curiously. He seemed somewhat agitated, for he was glaring at you from the side.

Always glowing.

"It's going to cause me to crash eventually, can you do something... about...... that?" He asked, looking at you with tiredness and impatience.

"I don't know, I can ponytail my hair?? That always made me look worse." You offered, taking the only tie you owned from Earth and pulling your hair back, securing it firmly.

"Well that's not any better, it's fully exposed."


Juni out!~

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