Strange Woman

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I am Suresh from India. I wanted to share this story from a long time so that I receive few suggestions about what this could be.

To exactly begin this it started when I was of age 13. We bought our own house, it's a compact apartment.

I live with my mom, dad and a younger brother. I started hearing a peculiar sound of somebody walking around the house, a woman to be specific. I am assuming it to be a woman cause in India there is a tradition of wearing a kind of armlet around the ankle and I hear the sound of that ornament along with the footsteps.

So this started when I was 13 and I informed about this to my mother. She was not interested in my complaint because I was a 13 year old kid and I might be afraid of some random noise inside the house. I started to hear this everyday of my life. It had become something normal to me and I wouldn't mind the footsteps.

Later when I had joined college when I was about 18 years old we had to sell the house due to financial problems and then we moved around in rental houses I never this footsteps again. But when I finished my college, due some huge coincidence, we got to buy the same apartment from the same guy we sold to. We were very happy about this because I had spent most of my childhood here, so we moved in.

The first day at the house I could hear this again. I could clearly hear this woman walking across my living room at about 2am. It's been a long time since I've heard her walking so it freaked me out a little, but then I didn't bother.

I am a huge fan of online rpg games and because I was done with my college and I had a lot of time, I started gaming late night. I play dota, it's an online game requires immense concentration and I literally don't move for a period of 45 to 50 minute time mark. So I was gaming and about 2 am I heard this woman walk. At first I thought it was my mum walking toward the fridge to get some water so I got up to see who it was. I immediately rushed to the living room to check. I couldn't see anyone. I checked my parents bedroom. My parents, along with my brother, were sound asleep.

Next day I enquired my dad if he had heard anyone walking around late night. He is a very light sleeper, so he replied, "Yes, I've been hearing this for many years" and he wasn't bothered much about it. This made me quite curious so I decided to sit in this living room and game all night there. Generally I start at about 1am and play until 6 am.

This time at about 2 am again I had this weird feeling that someone was staring at me. I was starting to get irritated by this. Also, for some reason I was feeling uneasy about the situation, so I decided to quit and go to my room and sleep. So I got up to turn off the lights and as soon as I switched off the lights, I could hear someone jump behind me and could feel the breath on my shoulder. I was terrified by this.

Could some one help me out with this? What could this possibly be?

There is no bad history to our place as such and the neighbours do not face any such problems. She has stayed with us from so long and never disturbed us though...

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