My Turn Now

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Okay, so I'm from New Zealand and I am part European and Part Maori. Our family really takes in the Maori cultural side as my mother and father are both descendants of Maori Heritage.

I was about 14-years-old and we had moved into this house that was quite cozy. Then all of a sudden, about 6 months, maybe even a year later, weird things started happening. My sister felt it the most; shes 2 years younger than me.

One time she had to bake some biscuits for my mum, it would have been about 9.30 pm - 10. 00 pm at night, and she was about to stick them in the oven, and she got tapped on the shoulder (like an actual tap). She was sooo freaked out that she ran down the other end of the house into my room and asked if I could stay up. I said no and that was the end of that. She just left then and went to bed.

Another time was when my dad would be sleeping in my room and he would feel someone tugging on his big toe. He thought it was one of us kids playing a trick on him, but when he opened his eyes there was nobody there.

Our youngest brother would have been 4-years-old at the time. He was playing in my parents' room and my dad was in the bath, which is directly across the hallway. My little brother saw a dark hand telling him to come into my room (where dad's toe got played with). He said no and told my dad. He still remembers it until this day. He's 14 now.

My sister would always feel as though she was paralyzed in her sleep. Like something was taking over her body. She told me that she feels really evil-like when this happens. Often she would ask to sleep with me, but we would just stay up the whole night because she was too scared to sleep. Even though we don't live there anymore, it sometimes still happens.

Things started to spiral out of control. It got to the point where my dad would yell at them because he could see dark shadowy things in the hallway. We decided to get a Maori group in and they blessed the house. When they left everything was brighter (like the lighting). One lady started vomiting when she got close to a picture in the hallway and apparently the entities were hiding behind there.

While nothing happened to me there (we don't live there anymore by the way) lately I have been experiencing weird things. For instance, I was watching TV and I felt this hand grab the back of my head. I turned around, but no one was there. Then about a month ago my uncle and two cousins came to stay and we all slept in the lounge. It was my uncle, then my 2 cousins and then myself on the other side of the mattress. I was in a deep sleep and then I felt a hand grab my butt. It felt like the same hand that grabbed the back of my head. I quickly turned around because I thought for a split second that perhaps it was my uncle, but he was fast asleep and there was no way in the world that he could have reached me because his arm would not be able to stretch that far. I told my sister and she just laughed, so did my dad. Then a few days after that the same hand grabbed the back of my head again.

I'm not scared but I don't know what's going on. And why all of a sudden? My family always tease me and says I have a new friend and stuff like that.

When I came across this website I was sooo happy I couldn't wait to share my story and get your guys feedback. I told my mum and she said that it was a bad idea. She said that I'm pretty much opening a doorway for the spirits/ghosts etc. This has been on my mind all day. Is she right?

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