A Man Standing Over My Bed

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I am a current student at Boxelder Job Corp. We have three dorms and within at least two of the dorms there has been physical activity of a little girl or a man. My own personal experience just recently happened.

It all started on a Monday night. I woke up at 4:30 am and its always at 4:30 every morning and as I opened my eyes I saw a full figured man just standing over my bed. At first I thought it was the night staff checking the room but I later realized it wasn't because they couldn't leave the room that fast nor did I hear the door to my room shut. For the following next Five nights this happened. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if this was a demon or just some friendly ghost. So I turned to my grandma. I am Native American and so is she.

My grandma is very spiritual and she told me to pray as much as I could before I went to bed and I did and it didn't help. She also told me to put sage in my sock at night. I did but it didn't help. So I am lost at what to do. Everything that I have tried doesn't work and I don't know what to do anymore.

The next thing is a little girl that I always see too. I don't know how old she is its hard to tell. Whenever I see her she is always sitting in front of my locker or my roommates locker playing with a ball. She is not as clear as the man I see so its hard to see what she exactly looks like. Another time that I saw her she was playing with my roommates stuffed ducked that she had laying on her locker floor. Since that day we haven't touched that duck. I don't know if this little girl is nice or just a plain demon. I'm tired of dealing with this stuff, and I just want them to go away but I don't know what to do about it.

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