No Eyes

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As you're reading this, keep in mind, I don't remember any of the stuff in the trailer. Everything that happened there is what my mom has talked to me about. I remember everything I have experienced in the house I moved to. I'm sharing this to get answers, I guess. Or to give people a good chill.

When I was born into a very young family, my parents didn't have much money, so they moved us to a small town and into a trailer park. It wasn't much, but was home.

At first my mom would notice me staring into corners and smiling, occasionally giggling. She didn't really think anything of it because I was just a baby. However, as I grew older, she began to notice me acting strangely. I would talk about a 'little boy with no eyes'. At first, she thought he was just an imaginary friend. But then she began to notice that I hated him. Usually, children don't hate their imaginary friends, but I was a weird kid.

She told me that one time when we got into the car to go somewhere, I huffed and told someone by the name of David to get out of the car. Of course, she asked me who David was. I told her, as always, the boy with no eyes and that he needed to get out of the car. She wrote it off as childish nonsense and drove to our destination, but she did notice that I became happier when we turned off of the end of our road. (She told me that I had said he can't leave our road? I wonder what that means.)

Another story she told me about was one night, about 12:00-1:00 (my room was across our house from my parents and I would have to go through the living room and kitchen to get to my parents room), she heard a blood-curdling scream from the living room and, of course, ran out in complete terror to see what was wrong. She found me curled up on the couch farthest from my room. We had a loveseat and a bigger couch. Immediately, she asked me what was wrong and I told her that the little boy with no eyes had picked me up and tried to bite me.

My mother was beyond worried, and my dad thought I was just being a dramatic child. For a while, she said, everything was quiet and nice and she thought David had gone away. But one summer afternoon, she had tucked me in for a nap nice and tight. As soon as she shut the door she said she heard a slam, and it took all of her strength to just open my bedroom door. When she walked into my room, I was still on my bed, sitting up. Quietly I told her that David had done it. Worried, my mother went to her friend, Ella. Ella was psychic and my mother usually goes to her when she's worried about something spiritual. Ella had told my mother that an orphanage had burnt down and the 'little boy with no eyes' named David had died in that fire.

I decided to research on a fire in my town, and there was actually an article about a fire in 1913 in Old Smyrna. In the article, it says, "______ became a town for the second time in 1915 yet just two years after the business district was gutted by a major fire that few know about today. The fire is mentioned briefly in a few areas." I'm not sure there was an orphanage that burnt down because there is little to nothing about the fire. It's really frustrating how little I can find on this.

As I grew up, I began to talk less and less of David, to where I didn't talk about him at all. Then my mother and father talked about finding a house and moving out.

On the last day I was in the trailer, I was lying in bed. It was right before everyone woke up, but the sun was shining through my bathroom window. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, and I don't know how, but I felt like someone was standing in front of my bed. I knew if I opened my eyes, I would see something. So I just peeked a little bit, and I saw a pitch black shadow move from beside my bed, into my bathroom and disappear. I guess David was saying bye? I mean, if it was David wouldn't it have tried to attack me or scare me? I mean, from the things my mother told me, he was evil.

A little while later, and we were happily settled into our new, bigger home. I thought everything was going to be normal, and for a few years it was. Only the occasional supernatural occurrence. But currently things have started to pick up, this time with my mother and I both experiencing things.

It started in summer. I heard a whisper in my ear when I was trying to sleep. It was horrifying, I felt its breath on my ear and I heard its voice. But I couldn't understand what it was saying. I would stay home alone, because I was old enough and my parents had to work. I would be sitting in the living room and hear a woman laughing from across the house. I never told my mom what I was experiencing because, even though she believes in the paranormal too, she would think I'm being dramatic.

But then, one night, I heard a stumble in the kitchen and my mom came running into my room absolutely terrified. She told me she was getting a drink and heard a scream right next to her ear. But the only problem was, no one else heard the scream.

Also, just recently actually, my mother has been hearing my voice calling her name, when I wasn't in the room. I've also heard her voice calling my name when no one was in the house.

In addition to that, my best friend lives in Arkansas and we talk on the phone for hours nearly every day. At about 11:30 one night, I heard a 'bonk' and she said that a bird had just run into her window, and I didn't really think anything of it because birds do that all the time. But that following morning I was getting ready and I had my bathroom door open. From my bathroom, if you're standing in the doorway, you can see the kitchen. All of a sudden, I heard heavy boot steps, and a chair being pulled out (like someone had just sat down for breakfast), and I was hit with the smell of pepper. Well, my dad had left a few hours earlier, and no one in the house had heavy boots, so that was kind of unnerving.

I am terrified and I don't know what to do. I know these two stories aren't really connected, but I don't know why only my mother and I see and hear these things.

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