I Saw Him After His Death

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Opposite to my home in Kerala, there was a land, which was owned by a bank employee and started constructing a house. He used to visit the land regularly as he was doing some cultivation of vegetables, tapioca and all on the other side of the land even before he started constructing the house. And he used to supply a part of his home made vegetables and tapioca to neighbors. He used to speak with my parents and he used to smile at me whenever he sees me. He was a nice man.

Suddenly one day his eldest son died in a train accident. After that he was so sad and house construction got stuck. After a week or so he started coming to the land and started spend his time by looking after the cultivation.

Three months later, one evening some people (that bank employee's relatives) came to us and asked us whether we had seen him there that day. As my parents went to work and I and my brother went to school we said "No, we have no idea." Then they said some problem was there in his house that day and after that he is missing. And they thought he would be there, but they couldn't find him.

At 7.00pm my father went out to buy some vegetables and stuffs. In the meantime I heard a knock at the gate so I looked out through the window to know who was that. Unfortunately the street light was out of order, but I could see that bank employee standing as he used to wear white shirt and white mundu (A type of dhoti, men wear) near our gate as if he is talking to somebody. I thought he was talking to my father. So I said to my mother that bank employee came back and is talking to father. She nodded. A little later when again I looked out I couldn't see anybody there. I was least bothered.

But later when my father came we asked him where did he go after talking to that bank employee and he said he didn't even see him. Then we told him that he came back and he was talking to somebody in front our house so we thought it was him (my father) whom he was talking to. Next day my mom called me up seeing the news paper. She was so shocked and she had shown me the news, in which that bank employee's picture along with the news which says he committed suicide last evening and that too before 6.00pm. Even I was so shocked and scared as I had seen him after he died. And that is not him that's his spirit!

For the next two or three days I was so scared to sleep alone. But I don't know whether only I had seen him or anyone else had? Forgive if any mistake is here. Thanks.

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