A Ghost On The Cliff ?

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I grew up in the west coast and would often go to the beaches and such off of Highway 1, getting increasingly often as I grew into my teen years. I took a break from going there between the ages of 10 to 15, seeing a lack of need to go there. But I started going there right after I turned 15, to go to Pigeon Point Lighthouse. It's a quaint little lighthouse and hostel and, at the time, I was obsessed with lighthouses.

There are many cliffs next to Highway 1, giving you a view of the ocean just beyond the rocks. As I stared out the window the first time going to that part of the coast, I saw a woman on the cliffs. She seemed to have longish black hair and almost a whitish blue dress, as well as her skin just being a pale ivory skin. We passed by her and I craned my neck back to see her and she was gone. I asked my mom if she saw her, and my mom was puzzled. I decided, against my better judgement, to leave it at that and not press further.

As I kept going back to that part of the highway, I would keep seeing her. Sometimes, it would be her on the cliff staring out into the ocean, or sometimes her face, her eerily blue eyes staring blankly ahead. These were all brief flashes in my eyes. It was as if I was no longer in my mom's car on the highway, just somewhere seemingly lonely. I haven't been back there for almost a half a year now, but I'm positive that if I go back, I'd see her again.

I still wonder who this ghost is, and why I only see her standing in the same position or staring with the same expression. Is she a ghost who's stuck in some sort of time loop, or is she trying to just get my attention?

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