Not an update. This is for my fellow potterheads

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So I'm in chapter 5 of HP 2, and if you have some suggestions or topics you want me to include in the discussion, comment here. It could be anything: a ship, a person, an event -- of course, something found in the Chamber of Secrets.

Also, you can read or re-read with me so we can talk about it later.

Also omg I got so excited, because I tried the sorting again this morning, (my last sorting was last year. And two before that a few years  back -- and I always got Ravenclaw) but now I got sorted in Slytherin 👌🏼

I'm officially both (although I've always been in between those two houses when I take quizzes that shows the percentage you have with each houses). But yeah def a proud SlytherClaw 😍 (or is it RavenSlyth since I'm 3x Ravenclaw and 1x Slytherin?)

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