So, I just realized that my Swish and Flick fic is gone -- I'm not sure if it's a Wattpad glitch or I have accidentally deleted it (during my half asleep state). That means I won't be recreating/writing that fic. As much as it pains me to have lost a story that I love writing so much, I just don't have the time nor energy to do write it again. The magic won't be the same.

But I hope it's just a glitch. I have already sent a message to WP, and they have responded and they told me to wait and chill my butt while they figure their shit out.

Also, my job has been sapping my mental (and physical) energy, and it has affected my ability to update Two is Company. I have finished reading The Half-Blood Prince, and I have nothing to say about it. When I get home from my shift, all my brain is capable of doing is to shut down. All I do is sleep. And when I find myself motivated to write, I found out I can only write "creatively" (thus, I was able to update TIAC) and not "intellectually" -- which this story requires.

In short, I have become too dumb (due to my long work hours) to update this fic and give you mentally-stimulating content that I aspire to give you.

(I'm currently reading -- slowly -- Deathly Hallows, so maybe after finishing it I might have something to offer. Can't promise you anything tho).

P.S. Let's hope it's just a glitch, because I really love Swish and Flick 😢😫

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