Hero Potter and the Order of Stupid Adults

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AN: to my dudes who are only here for some TIAC bits, this chapter is probably 95% HP stuff... Not much extra dialogues or side stories. So you can skip this one if you haven't read HP and the Order of the Phoenix. 😘

To my fellow potterheads, feel free to comment and let's discuss this book!

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"Say it, Lauren. I know you want to," Camila says in a teasing voice.

"No, it's not a big deal," comes Lauren's grumpy response.

They're currently eating lunch at a small restaurant -- some old school style diner called The Order of the Pink Flamingoes, where it plays old obscure bands like Pink Freud, The Rolling Stoners, Grateful Deadites, The Clash and Burn, Lynyrd Skynny, Fleetwood Mac & Cheese and some other weird bands that Lauren surprisingly is quite familiar with, but is met with blank stares and unappreciative groans from Camila.

"You're getting blue in the face -- just spill it, let's get it all over and done with," Camila unsuccessfully boops the tip of Lauren's nose because Lauren swerves out of the way when she sees Camila's hand shiny with grease.

Of course, Lauren soon gives in and spills everything out. Her need to rant weighs heavier than her need to prove Camila wrong that she could refrain from, well, ranting.

"I mean, seriously, what did Dumbledore think is gonna happen!? First, he kept Harry in the dark -- which is the root of Harry's growing frustration since chapter one -- then, he won't even speak to him properly -- then, he makes Ron a Prefect -- then he asks Snape to tell Harry that he needs to have private lessons with Snape without no convincing reasons other than he has to. Like, seriously, Camila! Don't they know who they're dealing with!?? We're talking about Harry Nosy Meddler Savior Complex Potter! Of course he's gonna grow frustrated! Even I get frustrated if I knew someone was keeping secrets from me! And Harry deserved to know at least the gist of what's going on -- he's the one who saw Voldemort rise again!"

Camila smiles, she's been expecting this outburst since they started reading the book and she keeps on hearing Lauren muttering on her side of the room.

"Okay, Lo-Lo, breathe. Good. Well, I know you're gonna talk about it more despite whatever I say -- so, here is my obligatory 'but Dumbledore had his reasons, Lauren...' -- there, now go on."

"Okay, look, it's not like I don't get Dumbledore's reasoning -- I do -- it's flawed, yes, but I understand where he's coming from... But seriously -- not one fucking adult in here -- with the exception of maybe McGonagall -- is acting like an adult. They're all so dumb!"

"I think Lupin has been a sensible presence -- silent yet dependable."

"Too silent for my taste -- just like how he was with Sirius and James. He's almost always gone, anyway, so he doesn't count. He's merely on the sidelines, so I think he's neither stupid nor incredibly helpful."

"I like him," Camila says, stabbing her Flower Power Salad with her fork. "I admire his strength. Imagine having to witness the last of his closest friends die, and comfort his other dead friend's son, do whatever tasks Dumbledore has for him to help defeat the Dark Lord, and on top of all that, be a werewolf and endure society's prejudice and lack of sympathy for him... And he did all that without hysterics or brooding about it and playing the victim."

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