Goblet of Fire and My Favorite Ship Ever

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AN: as always, there will be spoilers. Don't hesitate to add to the discussion, it's what I'm here for, to talk about the books. 🍻

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"Lo-Lo, wake up... C'mon, wake up!"

Blinking groggily, Lauren squints her eyes at the direction of the person who has shaken her out of a good dream (she was in a bath tub, neck deep in super nugs, having foot rubs, and eating Nutella straight from the jar), and she sees Camila's excited face peering at her.

"What!?" Lauren mutters in annoyance, laying her head on her pillow again. "What time is it?"

"It's Harry Potter discussion time!" Camila bounces on the bed happily, which Lauren tries to stop by blindly elbowing at her direction.

"Oh my god! That's so not an emergency. Let me sleep!"

"You said we'll talk about it once I finished the book! Well, I finished it!"

"Good job! Good night!"

"Lo-Lo, it's after lunch!"

"Stop calling me that!" Lauren grumbles into the pillow, but Camila isn't one to back down so easily; she keeps on tickling Lauren's ribs, and blowing air into her ear, and ten minutes later, Lauren finally sits up -- her eyebrows furrowing so hard it looks like she's grown a thick unibrow.

"It's only fair -- you call me Camz, I call you Lolo. It's cute."

"Whatever," Lauren grumbles, but she's definitely smiling while her messy hair is covering her face. "So, what's there to talk about?"

"Lots!" Camila says excitedly, Lauren's copy of the book cradled on her lap.

"Fine... let me freshen up first."

Lauren sullenly gets out of bed, walks slowly towards her bathroom. She takes her time washing up and brushing her teeth, then sitting on the toilet seat long after she's done peeing just because she wants to do it. Then she brushes her teeth again just to annoy Camila. She's never a morning person -- or a lunch person in this situation -- and if it wasn't Camila who woke her up, she's pretty sure there'll be a bloody corpse under her bed right now. Well, maybe not a corpse. She's not yet evolved into a cold-blooded murderer.

But since it's Camila, she has more patience, but it doesn't mean she won't sulk.

By the time she's done freshening up -- thrice -- she walks out of the bathroom expecting an annoyed Camila, but what greets her is a smiley Camila with a food tray on her bed.

"Coffee -- just the way you like it, I made sure of that -- and chicken nuggets for you," Camila pushes the tray towards Lauren's side of the bed. "Coz I heard you talking in your sleep and you kept muttering about nuggets, so I asked Noah to fry you lots."

Lauren totally wasn't muttering about chicken nuggets. It was nugs. Nevertheless, she's touched by Camila's effort, it definitely makes her less sulky now.

"Unless you want real lunch?" Camila asks. "I ate with Chris and Tay-Tay like an hour ago, your parents have left already. I tried waking you up but you kicked me."

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