Chapter 2 ~ Experimentation

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After confirming his ability to retrieve and place item into his <<Inventory>>, Leon then proceeded to finding out its other functions.

Firstly, since the <<Inventory>> could store object, a question came to his mind. How does time flow in it.

He picked two leafs from a nearby tree and set both on fire. He put one of it in his inventory and waited for the other one to burnout. He then confirmed the fact that the flow of time in <<Inventory>> was much slower, maybe it didn't flow at all. The other leaf had burned out but the one he put in his <<Inventory>> didn't change at all. This would have a number of implication since objects that would deteriorate as time goes will not in his <<Inventory>>.

After confirming it, Leon moved on to another case. The distance in which he could retrieve objects and put it into his <<Inventory>>. He moved his right hand in front of him and tried to store the corpse of the <<Storm Wolf>> which laid at roughly 5 meters away from him.

Without succeeding, he then moved closer towards the corpse and placed his hand against one half of the corpse.

The corpse he was touching disappeared, leaving behind a pool of blood on the ground.

He then stored the other half of the corpse and also the 5 wolf corpses. It seemed he could fit such amount in his <<Inventory>>.

Leon planned on selling the corpses as material in order to get some money. If he had to live in this world for the time being, money would be important after all.

He then continued his experiment with <<Inventory>>.

Leon then tried to grab an item from the world he came from that he owns, a pen, from his <<Inventory>> resulted in a failure.

"So I can only retrieve items which I own in the game." Leon concluded.

This led to another question.

His appearance was that of his warrior character, Alexus.

Then does that mean I can't retrieve items from my other characters?

He tried to retrieve a dagger belonging to his assassin character, Nyx.

An evil-looking yet beautiful onyx dagger about 30cm appeared from his <<Inventory>>.

He returned the dagger back into his <<Inventory>> and repeated the same procedures with his remaining 4 characters.

After a while, he confirmed the fact that he had all his items from all his characters in his <<Inventory>>.

This led Leon to think about experimenting with his abilities.

He questioned the notion that if the items from all 6 characters of his characters was present in his inventory, what would be the case with his abilities?

He had already confirmed that he was able to use his warrior skills, but not with the others.

He then took out Nyx's dagger <<Silent Death>> and attempted to use an assassin skill.

Since most assassin's offensive skills require a target, he activated a skill which erases his presence and appearance.

<<Skill: Stealth>>

He then tried to find an animal or monster in order to test the effect of his skill.

In no time, he found a deer munching on grass.

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