Chapter 118.2 ~ A Long Night for the New Couple

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AN: Sorry for the late update  >_<! But here you go! Hope you guys have a nice day and week ahead of you~!!! Stay safe~!!!

"M-Mia, let's say it to-"

"W-We're now dating!!!"

Unable to withstand the nervousness and embarrassment anymore, Mia shouted it out loudly, stunning everyone in the room.

"Y-You idiot! Why did you shout it out that loudly?!"

"I-I panicked! A-And you're not any better! Your opening was too long!!"

"I-I can't help it! I was very ner-"

"Congratulations, Ms. Mia! Mr. Rafael!!!"

"It finally happened!!!!"



Fina, Eric, and the others all began crowding around the newborn couple in excitement, congratulating them.

"We've been waiting for this to happen for quite a while now!"

"You are?!"

"Yes! Some of us were even frustrated, thinking why have you two dated yet!"


In all honesty, Mia and Rafael thought they wouldn't care this much. But apparently, everyone has been discussing when Mia and Rafael will start dating amongst themselves. Some even took bets on how long it would be before they start dating.

"T-Thank you so much, everyone."


"Hehehe~ We're very happy for you two!"

"Yeah~~ When will you get married?"

"M-M-Married?! That's too fast!!!"

"W-We just started dating! Marriage is still long off!!!"


""Don't sound so disappointed!!!""

Mia and Rafael retorted forcefully at their friends.

The celebration party continued for a while before Fina and the others decided to excuse themselves to take a bath and prepare for the next day before going to sleep.

Lloyd and Lisa forced Leon and the others out of the dining room since they will be cleaning up. They actually wanted to help clean since it was their idea of having a celebration this late at night, but since Lloyd, Lisa, and all the servants insisted, they reluctantly leave it up to them.

Freya, Mia, and the girls went to the bathroom together for their nightly skin care. It was something Freya introduced to them. These skin care products were prototypes Freya made with Leon's help. They will be sold in Misteltein in the future after she has various products perfected. For now, there are only lotion and face masks.

As they're doing their nightly skin care, Freya suddenly brought up something that made Mia choke on her own spit.

"Mia, are you going on a date with Rafael tomorrow?"

"*Cough* *Cough* W-W-What the hell are you saying all of a sudden?!"

"What? I saw you talking with Rafael about something right before we go here."


"Eh? Did you already set up a date, Mia?"

Mia looked down in embarrassment. Her cheeks were blushing very redly and steam seemed to be going out of her head.

She nodded shyly, arousing cheerful shrieks from the girls.

"Really~? When will you go?"

"Kya~ Really?! When will it be?!"

Freya and Victoria's eyes flashed excitedly the moment Mia nodded. They immediately looked at mia with sparkling eyes which exerted pressure on her to tell them when she'll have her date.

"I-I won't tell you! I don't want you girls to be tailing us around!!"

"Ah, I'm hurt, Mia. You don't believe me that much?"

"That's right... I'm very hurt, Mia."

Freya and Victoria wiped away their fake tears dramatically.

"It's because I believe in you that I know both of you will definitely end up coming!!!"

"Oh, that makes me happy~"


"These girls..."

Mia shook her head tiredly and glared at the three other girls who were silent but still had sparkles in their eyes.

"You three, don't think of something funny too, okay? I won't tell you."

"I-I understand..."

"That is a shame."

"Mia, stingy."

Mia's eyes twitched at Charlotte's comment.

"What was that, you shorty?"

Mia pinched and stretched the silver-haired little girl's cheeks in annoyance.


She let go of Charlotte's marshmallow cheeks and sighed.

Mia and Rafael did set up a date a few days from now. They planned on having a dinner date and go around the castle town after they return from helping out in Misteltein.

I definitely can't let these girls, especially Freya and Victoria, know about this!

If they know, Mia was sure that they will tail them, which would be very embarrassing.

All she could hope for was that they wouldn't find out about her and Rafael's plan for tomorrow.

Hah... This will be a long night...

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