Chapter 3 ~ The Goblin Raid

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Leon soon arrived at the entrance of the forest.

There he saw a village which was the source of the smoke.

So it is the battle after all huh...

Although it might still be a campfire in the village, the sight of burning roofs which were all made of wood and screams confirmed the notion of the smoke being caused by a battle.

Additionally, the pillar of smoke had multiplied and grew larger than what he had seen before.

Leon climbed a tree with a single jump in order to scout the current situation of the battle.

About 40 goblins and 2 hobgoblins. Though there are around 50 villager, most of them are children, women, elders and several injured. The only capable fighters left are around... 20. Annihilation is almost certain.

In order to get information, discovering a village immediately was very fortunate. However, it was on the brink of getting destroyed.

Saving them would be the most obvious conclusion.

He could gain necessary information, and made them promise a few things such as not telling anyone who Leon was which may attract unwanted attentions.

And also -

It will leave a bad taste in my mouth if I just leave them to die...

Steeling himself to save them, Leon immediately maneuvered his way in front of the horde of goblins.

Although attacking them from behind would be an easier way of dealing with them, his first priority was to save the villagers.

He jumped around the rooftops, trying to get into the best position to begin his counterattack.

However, before being able to find a suitable position, he saw a blonde girl laying on the ground trying to stand up. However it looked like she sprained her foot and was covered in wounds. She was about to be brandished by the hobgoblin's axe.

Seeing a life in danger, Leon instinctively pulled out <<Misteltein>> and jumped towards the hobgoblin, killing it with one slash from above.

Breathing out a sigh of relief as he confirmed the death of the enemy, he turned towards the direction of the girl.

A girl with blonde hair which reached her waist, stared at him in a daze with her widened blue eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Not receiving an answer from the girl who keeped staring at him with her incredibly captivating eyes, Leon healed her completely.

The girl, surprised at the rapidly closing wounds and receding pain, looked around her body and realized that all her wounds were gone like they were never inflicted before.

"Take defensive position. Focus on protecting the people. Make groups of four in which one will carry the injured into a safe place while the others protect him. I'll take the offensive. Please relay this to the others."

Right after telling his instructions, he run towards the fray with speed which astonished the already dumbfounded girl laying on the ground.

Leon continued to slashing his sword towards the goblins, leaving none alive in his wake.

30 more to go... 24... 18... 14... 9... 5...

As he brandished his sword, he saw the villagers acting according to the instruction he asked the girl to relay to them.

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