Chapter 4 - Handsomeness.

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Ishita Hassan

As the day comes , Mrs Lau flew to China with her family and I'm here as her replacement. She doesn't leave any works on standby so my work is less now.

My morning today wasn't that welcoming too but I being myself doesn't worry much about that cause I knew how to make the day bloom. Self motivated, you know. And the reason why I felt bad last time is because of the news that Mrs Lau conveyed me on the day.

I didn't think that the news is bad for me maybe, because my work here for the last two days after Mrs Lau gone for her holiday is less and I couldn't find any bad sign in this but whatever it is I'm going to be more positive to handle it calmly and professionally.

To divert my mind from thinking a lot, I walked to get a coffee at the pantry on the same floor. There I saw that perv again with a brunette that dressed in a formal dress.

Eyeing them on the doorway of the pantry, I quickly walked passed them and the perv looked me in surprised. I ignored his gaze as I felt it on my back while I was making coffee and I felt a bit uncomfortable so I fastened my coffee making process.

Suddenly he appears on my right, to my surprise and I quickly changed the look on my face to stern.

"It's like the fate wants us to meet again. " he slurred with a dirty smirk.

"Yes, and you know what, the fate really wants your face to get bruise as well also, I guess. " I said with a smirk while reaching to grab on a knife from the cabinet rack on my right.

He quickly stepped back when he noticed me grabbing a knife on my right hand while twirling it around. I knew that he still doesn't forget the incident when he stepped back a bit to show me that I'm leading the situation here again.

"Are you willing to get any bruises with this Mr Kane? " I questioned with the same smirk and anger took over him. 

Hmm, he got some nerves to get angry when I'm standing here with a knife on my hand. He threw away a mug on the floor to blow away his frustration I guess, and left the pantry. I took a big relief breath and started to continue doing my coffee.

"Are you okay? " the same voice that I felt fond for some reason that I don't know why, echoed in my ears and I turned to look for the one and only Nathan, my CEO who is leaning on the doorway of the pantry.

He looked worry but then relaxed when he studied my feature to be not injured, I think and that when my mind made me realise that the CEO worried about me after the loud shattering sound.

But how do he know that it's going to be me? Maybe, he saw me here on the CCTV. And what if it's someone else who standing here except me, will he show the same worry look? But he will do this to anyone I guess and most of all, he is a CEO so he must be concerned of his employees right but why do my mind asking this questions right now?

I shook my head and looked at him who is already staring at me.

Then, our eyes connected but he neither I didn't gaze away. I, for some reason started to notice his feature without breaking the gaze and that when I acknowledge that he looked really handsome.

I never have been commented any guys before except my brother and father but I'm now, cause he really do look handsome with his dark brown hair that backcombed with stubble on his face and his tie was hanging loose.

He is wearing a long sleeved white shirt that rolled up till his elbow and black suit pants. I lost my mind and why is this happening to me? I quickly gaze down to the broken mug when he broke the gaze with me and looked to the same mug.

"I will clean it, sir. No worries. " I said with a smile while bending down to collect the shattered piece.

"You don't have to. I will call the cleaner to clean it up and you just continue the work. " he said while again looking away like that day on the file room and fade from my sight. I felt a odd pain took over me whenever he did that but why is he doing that?

I grab onto my mug and walked to my office room. Everytime when I took a sip of the coffee, I found myself getting lost on his feature and the memory in the file room.

I felt strange the whole day with a weird feelings that colonizing my mind. I surely need a therapist and a listener so I knew who's the best one now.

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