Chapter 28 - The Little Minx.

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Ishita Lawrence

It's been a week since we joined the company back after the trip and I could say that my marital life is slowly taking a good turn. We were more like a happy couple in both public and personally.

"Here's your tea, dear. " Mrs Lau said as she set my mug on the desk.

I just return back to my cabin after serving my husband, or the CEO, his favourite tea and I was welcomed with Mrs Lau presence in my cabin.

"Oh, thank you so much. That's very sweet of you, Mrs Lau. " I thanked her and she shoved it away dramatically, "You don't have to thank me for this. "

I giggled and she sat on the sofa opposites my desk.

"How's the marriage life? " she asked and I smiled shyly.

"Then, it's alike a dream come true, huh? " she teased, seeing my blushes.

"So bad that your husband is very reserved on work. I really wanted you two to come over my house for a fine dinner, you know. " she complained and I felt bad to keep it a secret with her.

Of course, she doesn't know that I'm married to their boss. I'm just not ready to let everyone know because I don't want the rumours around here to be true. Even before we were married, most of the employees used to accuse in my relationship with Nathan. Then, imagine how would it be if they got to know that I'm married to none other but himself.

"I get it. I will let you know when the time comes, alright. " I convinced like usual.

"I will be expecting and I heard about your job offer from a leading architecture company, congratulations dear. " she said, smiling in enthusiasm and yes, I got this job offer in my desired field after my college recommended me as one of their best representative to the said company.

It was a foreign collaboration company and I could say that it's a dream come true for me. I will miss working here and since it's my first job that I ever taken so I definitely will. I just hope that I will get to meet Sandra by chance, because she's in labor leave right now and possibly I would have to leave right before she joined in.

When I told this news to Nathan, he was in cloud nine for me and I did also saw this slightest hurt in his face at the fact that I will be working here for a month only from now on, since I accepted the offer.

But I'm particularly spending all my days and nights around him as we were in the same roof, right. So why the worry? Though, even I will be also missing him on my workplace.

I know that sounds ridiculous, but when your in love, you would want everytime to stay around that particular person, right?

After thanking her over the greet, she excused herself away as our tea time ended and I was back to work. While on the middle of typing in some datas, my landline rang and I saw the number from his PA's code so I attended right away.

"Hello, Jen. I thought that your on leave today. " I greeted her in advance.

"Urmm...Miss, Ishita? " I heard someone else's voice, which isn't Jen at all.

"Yes, who's this? " I asked the person while thinking of how does it seem possible for anyone else to use this code number rather than Jen.

"I'm Sarah...the new PA for Mr Lawrence and...he wanted me to meet you regarding this job details. " The woman said with pauses in middle and I was really confused.

New PA? When did this even happen?

"Urmm...are you there? " I heard her saying.

"Yes, yes. I'm here. So, could you make it to the 10th floor. Walk straight to your left from the elevator and my cabin's the second door on your right. " I gave her the direction and after thanking me, she cut the call.

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