Chapter 19 - Always Mine.

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Ishita Hassan

"Hey, wifey...We are going to my family's gathering party today so you should be ready by now. " I heard him shouting over my closed door. Ugh, he's calling me with that name again.

"I'm ready. " I yelled back at him as I adjusted the eye liner one last time.

After correcting it, I check myself one last time and strolled to the door to open them. His mouth was wide open and that speaks of how impressive I'm for him, so that means, he's family would love this look too.

I giggled and walked passed him, hurriedly grabbing on my bag as I grunted at him, "You said that we are getting late. Why are you still gawking at my door? Now, come on already. "

He was shook and followed behind me as we made our way to the elevator.

We made it to his car and our destination began to his parent's house. It's nearly been a month since we are married now and I could say that we both are in the good friends term. Him teasing me and myself whining around his counters, would be everywhere around the house.

I'm simply easing at the fact that I'm living with Nathan and I never knew that I would be feeling this comfortable around him. I rewinded my mind with thought as I took a glimpse at him, who's speeding safely to the event.


He put his hand on the small of my back to encourage me when we were standing in front of a huge crowded area. They looked familiar as I saw them on my wedding with greets and gifts for us.

"You have a big family. " I whispered to him while dashing into the crowd to find my law parents.

"Yes, I do and now only I'm so sured about it. " he said while noticing everyone around.

"Seriously? Don't you guys have this kind of gatherings every year?" I asked in return to confirm myself. Seriously he's talking as if he's new to this gathering thingy.

"He didn't even show up even fot once, that's why this big boy doesn't recognise about his own family. " Mrs Lawrence interrupted us while pinching her son's ear. He hissed in pain and I giggled at his whining over his mother's deed.

"Now look, you are here because you had disciplined by your wife and this is why we begged you to get married the mission is accomplished. " she said happily while giving me a hug and I returned it happily.

"Mom. " he grumbled in annoyance but she did ignore him and turned her attention back at me.

"You look beautiful, dear. My son is really lucky. " she said again and I smiled sweetly with a thank you in return.

His eyes were on me scanning my feature clearly when I was talking to his mother. I couldn't help but to blush furiously. Later, Mrs Lawrence left us to mingle up with some of their relatives and we did.

"Hey, I'm Harold and this is my wife, Henna. " Harold said as he approached us and he gave Nathan a bro hug with a wide smile.

His wife, on the other hand, hugged me and we introduced ourselves. Harold is Nathan's cousin that had married two months before us to this wonderful woman, Henna.

We had some conversation but over all the things that I heard from them, I could say that Harold loves his wife so much. I heard that they met at high school and they hooked up straight away after their prom. He treated her in every ways like she was the only thing for him upon everything.

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