Chapter 32 - His Love Confession.

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Nathan Lawrence

I drive like a mad man, ignoring all this red lights and stupid cars that kept on popping from everywhere.

I destined myself to our condominium and I quickly make it to our home as I ran in, hoping that she might had came here but there was no signs of her around the house. Everything seems nothing and I felt soulless.

Where did she went? How's she right now? Am I late to get her back? Why do I have to mess up this bad?

Questions stormed into my mind but whatever it is, for now I should find her and confess my feelings for her.

I know that it wouldn't drag this much if I ever said those famous three words and it's all my fault.

I would shout to the entire world that I love her and only her if I do given a chance but what is the point when the person is nowhere around me.

I was depressed and anger took over me as I think about my dumb self. I should have to conveyed my feelings for her earlier or else I won't be standing here all clueless about her whereabout right now.

My phone roared loudly and I took the attended the call rapidly, expecting that it would be my Ishita.

"Nathan. " Kavin said through the phone and why is he being this serious? Did he knew everything that happened? Is she's with him?

He just called me by my name instead of mama or man's, so this must be about us.

"Is Ishita with you? Is she's fine? " I asked and prayed silently for a yes because I wanted to know about her right now.

"She is here and yes, she's fine...but..." he trailed as he took a sigh and I'm sure he was hesitating to continue further. I felt relief as I knew that she is safe and good with him but what was that 'but' about.

"But? " I pushed in the words to get a reply.

"You know what, just come you our parent's here by tomorrow morning, okay?" he let me know and I was curious. Why isn't he telling me the real thing that bothering him?

"Kavin, tell me what's wrong?" I asked while waiting for a reply.

"We need to talk. So just be here by tomorrow. " he said without confessing the truth and I went curious again. What would happened tomorrow? Why was he so serious?

Whatever it is, I need to use this tomorrow as the last chance of mine to make it up for her. For my life.


"A bouquet of red roses. I ordered yesterday. " I said to the florist and she gave me a nod while disappearing to a room behind her.

I am here at the nearby florist shop to get my wife's favourite flowers. I would let her know my feelings today and I'm not going to give up on us. I will just confess my feelings and kiss her addictive lips as a sealed promise. I need to show her that she is all I want and I would do anything to win her heart.

I want her in my life. I love her. I will always do so I need to make this right. No matter what this talking about, I'm still going to get her back and shower her with all my loves that had been bottled up since the first time I saw her.

The florist came back with the bouquet that I ordered and I left the flower shop with the bouquet on my hand.

I drive to her parent's house and it felt just like the day I came here for the first time to meet her parents. I felt the same nervous evoking in me as I stepped towards the gate. I rang the bell and there comes her mother with a serious look to open the gate for me. I greeted her and it just came as a small nod.

I took a deep breath and make my way into the house and it looks the same as always. My heart beat raced searching around for it's source and ended up seeing nothing. Where's she?

In seconds, Kavin appeared and gestured me to sit on the sofa. I followed his saying and set down the bouquet beside me  He joined me along with his mother by his side and they looked super upset.

"Nathan, I trusted you. I saw you as my own son could you two lie like this? A marriage out of an agreement just because you want to get a company? Doesn't it feel bad for you to spoil each other's life? " My mother in law reproached and I can see it all right now.

She said it all to them. Everything that happened between us, just everything from the beginning.

"You can't only accuse him, maa. Your daughter involved too. " Kavin confronted his mother and she nodded with a sigh.

"Nathan, whatever had happened was already the past and we want you two to see the present, your guys' future. " Kavin pointed out calmly and I was halfway insanely waiting for what else to come

"Yes, he's right. You guys have to get out from this fake separating from each other is a must right now. I don't want my daughter to be stayed married by a useless agreement. " My mother in law let know and I was rooted to the spot.

Separating us as in divorcing? Never.

"No. " I yelled right away, refusing their thought.

"I'm not going to give her a divorce. " I shouted out in utter sorrow as I  imagined the times where I will be all alone without my love by my side. Their wondering eyes grew bigger as I gave them my piece of mind.

If there's no her, then definitely there's no me too.

"And why can't you? " That voice, the real meaning for my love.

Peering towards the direction and she's standing by the staircase as she looked all pale with swollen red eyes.

I stood up right away and gazed her with all my being. She nor me, even for the slightest second looked away as our eyes were locked.

"Ishita. " I hushed out her name which still gives me sparks by the mere mention of her name and she looked away abruptly.

"We should end this, Nathan. And the only way is by divorcing only. " she said while gazing onto the floor, my breathing went numb as it loses the ventilation.

She...wanted to divorce me?

I don't know what I was doing until my feet dragged it ways towards her, taking one step on the stair and I'm right now standing a step lower than her. My eyes searching for hers and when she avoided from meeting mine, I cupped her beautiful face in my hand to tilt it up so that her eyes meet mine. She though never looked at me and her eyes went close.

"Ishita, for once...I want your eyes to see me right now. " I said softly and she opened her eyes slowly to connect with mine, tears slowly forming on the edge of her eyes.

"I love you. " I confessed my three longing words and she stare me in surprise. I felt relief as I just lighten up my bottled up feelings for the one who I really love.

"Yes, I love you. I love you from the very start when I saw you for the first time. " I added and her eyes changed from shock to hope.

"Whatever that happened yesterday on the stage was entirely false. Your the only one I love and I was talking about you on the stage the whole time when that stupid woman came up in the middle. I swear, I was meaning to tell everyone that I'm married and I'm going to introduce you sooner, since I never knew that your there. The event turned out to be a disaster as she crashed it and my mother had to put her in place. " I explained everything.

"I'm utterly in love with you, then,  how do you expecting me to divorce you? How do you expecting me to let you go out of my life? " I let out my feelings, my forehead moving up to rest upon hers.

"But I don't want to be married under an agreement anymore, Nathan. "

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