Chapter 15 - New Beginning.

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Ishita Hassan

My house were overfilled with relatives as the wedding...or my wedding was just 3 days away.

I couldn't stop being surprised everyday that Ishita Hassan going to get marry sooner. I don't know how things going to be or to be more clear, about how am I going to be after marrying a guy. Who's still my boss.

The thoughts of leaving my family all here alone made me worry and I will miss them so much but I remind myself that this separation wouldn't last longer.

At the company, Mrs Lau had returned and she were doing all good. For some reason, I didn't convey anyone besides Sandra about my wedding with Nathan because I don't want rumours around that would eventually harm my profession and the company's name.

Sandra was quite busy nowdays and guess what, she's 3 months preggo so that's why we couldn't get time to spend with each other. She told me that she will be mostly in leave as she consult the doctor thrice a week.

I was happy for her and she felt the same for my wedding as she doesn't know anything about the agreement we had. She congratulate me and teased me to be in any good behavior.

I was busy greeting my relatives as they targeted me with thousands of questions about my love story with Nathan. I told them the truth of how he proposed me and I found him as the right guy for me, while talking so my brother interrupted our conversation and told me that my handphone was ringing continously from my room.

I put in charge just now and I went upstairs to my room so that I could check on the call. My heart skips a beat as I saw Nathan's name flashing out as the missed calls and I decided to call him back.

"Hey, sorry for not picking the calls earlier. I was downstairs with my relatives around, so what's the matter? " I asked while glancing at my already hanged wedding saree.

"No, its okay. I just want to know whether you are free right now? " he asked.

"Yes. I'm free now. Do you need anything? " I questioned back, waiting for him to answer.

"Yes, I do need something and it's you. " he said in way more calmer, that made me to double sized my eyes.

"Excuse me? " I huffed in confusion and I could hear a light chuckle from him.

"Yes, Ishita. I need you because I want to take you somewhere now. So I'm waiting out here and please come down quick. Waiting for you. " he sang the last sentence as he right away ended the call.

He was waiting for me outside? How couldn't I notice him? I was thinking furiously as I walked to my mother. I said goodbye to everyone and they looked me like I was going to a date or something.

I ignored their looks and make my way out to his car. My main gate were opened as our relatives keep coming in.

There he stood with his legs crossed while leaning to his car and he was surrounded by my cousins. Urgh, this girls would definitely give me a headache and I don't know of how much worse they told him about me.

I tapped my forehead as they were keep on nagging on him but he just smiled as he were really enjoying them. The moment I got there, I shove them off and they mocked me aimlessly. I ignored their mocks and get into his car. He followed after me and we began the ride.

"Where are we going?" I asked as is settled down on my seat comfortably.

"Miss Ishita, I told you that I'm going to take you somewhere and it's a secret. " he said the last part leaning closer to my ear as I was looking out from the window.

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